Warframe Employee Sent Death Threats Over Announced In-Game Changes
A recent announcement about upcoming changes in Digital Extremes' free-to-play game Warframe received some unexpected backlash this week. That there was backlash was not the unexpected thing -- generally, if there are changes, someone's not going to be happy. In this case, the unexpected thing was that the angry individuals decided to send death threats to one of the Digital Extremes employees.
After some Twitter discussion about the change, Warframe's Live Operations & Community Producer stated that the first contact she'd received about the topic was a death threat.
@AGayGuyPlays I got a murder threat which was a first.
— Rebecca Ford (@rebbford) October 6, 2016
The announcement that prompted this action on the part of the players was that Sentinels were being adjusted to have a Vacuum range of 6 meters rather than 12. Since that time -- and after all the angst and threats -- Digital extremes has apparently decided to change the range back.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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The interview covers everything from the VFX of the game to the tools he uses to create them.

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show's over people, pack it up!
It's hard to imagine how simpleminded someone must be to get so pissed off about this monotonous and boring game.
2. she is involved in a game industry and all of them are scammers/liers
3. Where is the proof? It is pathetic that this site posted this garbage only based on some girl "word".
4. Even if it was true, who cares, it is just some angry person typing stuff.
You received a death threat? Snore. So has everyone who has ever spent 5 seconds in League of Losers.
2nd, Aye the Sentinel changes "ticked" alot of people off I don't actually know why since the actual change in question was the range at which your "pet picks up stuff for you" (so everyone knows this was not a DPS nerf or anything like that), the actual impact of the nerf was not cool but not one that deserves that treatment either. Worst is it's a generally widespread feel since I actually caught a couple clan members discussing agressively on my clan this week about that same issue. All in all I guess this is remnants or stacked up disapointment coming for a few months back and DE went in and changed something quite old, core and dear to the players.
If you get this rallied up over a change in a game, you need a life.