Warface Winter Update Revamps Maps, Adds Weapons, And More

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:


Crytek’s free-to-play online shooter, Warface, is getting a shiny new update for the holidays. The star of the update is a special holiday revamp of the PvP Oil Depot Map. Just for the holidays, players can get their pew-pew on in a festive atmosphere featuring show, fairy lights, and a huge Christmas tree.

In addition to the Oil Depot’s makeover, a graphical overhaul of the Hangar Team Deathmatch map will also be dropping with the update.

Players can also look forward to enhanced weapons as part of the update -- a golden R16A1 and a golden tactical axe. And, as always with holiday updates, there are all new bundles, decorative items, and more.

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In this article: Warface, Crytek.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (6)

asd 9 years ago
dead crap, only brainless rushit degeneratas pay to win each other, i cant believe how stupid these poor criminals are, invest more pay to win, alll nerds like cheats

Aaron 9 years ago
Warface is a f2p shooter with so much potential but is spoiled by a few thing. I have alot of hours personally in the game and was sad I had to put it down. First the game lags much like a browser shooter so bullet registration is so out of whack. It rewards people with terrible ping. Commonly referred to a "red bar vest" in game. People who lag are resistant to bullet reg giving them a huge advantage. Secondly there is 0 anti cheat. Not much needs to be said with that one.

Jafarson 9 years ago
i think it is best realistic f2p fps at this time, BUT! server restrictions? mail.ru is 0. servers are full of 5 years old russian kids and cheaters, minimum 1 cheater per match.... cheaters also are in EU servers + vpn lagers..... they must open all servers... let players choose where to play + game needs better anticheat

AShoppingCartGLX 9 years ago
Personally the game is great, but the GFace servers are pathetic. I still run better in Warface RU...hell it feels like a different game compared to GFace. Wish the old school shooters would come back, sick of these Crysis Battlefield and COD clones.

Cloak 9 years ago
I honestly don't know how all these mind numbing boring repetitive easy games get so popular. Guess it doesn't take much to entertain a monkey. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

FloopyJaloopy 9 years ago
From my standpoint, having played the game on gameface and steam, its gonna need a metric f***load more updates in the overall game balance and cash shop balance before I personally, and a few other patrons, even look in the games general direction.

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