Warface Trailer Showcases Real-Time Weapon Customization

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Warface's newest trailer reads like a sports gear commercial with lines like "aim better", "strike faster", "shoot farther" and "hit harder". I was half expecting one of the soldiers to stop and take a drink from a Gatorade bottle or the camera to cut to a soldier's shoes which would turn out to be a pair of Nikes. Apparently though, the trailer's focus was on Warface's real-time weapon customization which allows a player to change out attachments on the fly without needing to respawn or redeploy at a weapons terminal.

Those of you who have played Crysis will instantly recognize the familiar customization layout within Warface. Players can change out scopes, add silences, a fore-grip or even grenade launchers in order to tailor their weapon to the situation at hand. The attachments will need to be unlocked for the specific weapon beforehand in order for a player to swap between them during a match. It will be interesting to see how many players sit afk out in the open while fiddling with their weapon attachments.

Warface is currently in closed beta and will officially launch sometime in Spring. If you would like to sign up for the beta you can do so here.

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In this article: Warface.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (24)

ClassicQc420 12 years ago

Meh 12 years ago
This game seriously a huge disappointment.

Joppe 12 years ago
The game was not like that Ingame..... It was not that good lookin....

jip 12 years ago
lol, its very nice

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
seems like a good game havent tried it yet but i will give it a chance once i can but this trailer makes u think that you gonna be owning everyone if u modify your weapon correctly which is disturbing

hero 12 years ago
.. the trailer made it seem way to easy....

spell 12 years ago
i like the game as far iv seen it played but havent got any key all this time. still think will do good since theres no many FPS lately on market

GamingMaster 12 years ago
I played the russian version for a while but the stopped .. game got pretty boring...
In higher levels the AI always hit the head and sometimes impossible to cover due to the lack of cover ..

not bad but people who have unlocked more mods and weapons will have an advantage

Impossible to play as medic in pvp .. due to the shotgun limited range and players would mostly like to kill you than others

I would rate Warface : 6/10

* Note it was very long time ago .. and things may have changed

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Davil96 12 years ago
I played this game and I can say it's crap

proslayer4 12 years ago
I suggest everyone to sign up for cb i got an invite about 2 hours after i signed up

Plus i play on EU server if anyone wants to add me : stelth24

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Kimwer 12 years ago
I played this game in the russian beta, and I have to say, it's not as good as it looks. In fact it's quite a snorefest. It's really just another shooter, just with CryEngine.

RenTheRose 12 years ago
i got my hands on alpha and going to beta plus i am a regular on the fourms no customization is for all lvls but its cost (ingame)monney and makes weapons little more costly to maintain though they dont know if they will keep that in their the guns in this game all feeel difrent so cutomization is important part of mastering your gun so its been given to new and old players alike thats all i can say for now about it tho they will yell at me if i say more.

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Ballin 12 years ago
So can anyone who has played in beta tell me how will the customization upgrades works?Because if a high lvl with alots of upgrade can customize anytime than new players will be owned,Unless buying the wep unlocks all of them..

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RockNRollz 12 years ago
Good game, but right now the weapons are a little too under powered. It seems like I need to blast a full clip into them until they die. The Russian version was better. Hope they fix the problems it does have.

Mounted 12 years ago
Impressive Impressive I'm looking more and more forward to this game

Vorunak 12 years ago
Sweet, I cant wait to play Warface, downloading it right now! :D

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