Warface: New Impressive Trailer

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Trion Worlds have released a new trailer for Warface. The impressive new trailer showcases the graphics and fast-paced action made possible by the powerful CryEngine 3. Check the trailer above and feast your eyes. Warface is now in Closed Beta testing.

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In this article: Warface.

Discussion (41)

JoPe 11 years ago
If someone has got a remaining key for the beta of Warface... i'll LOVE to have one... can trade some Steam beta keys like HoN, DOTA2...etc ! (also some FireFall key i've got to trade)

try to contact me on steam : "jopezzz" or on email "jopezzz@hotmail.fr" thanks !

Chaos_Fury 11 years ago
Do you guys not read? There is no beta key for this game. You can only get invited by GFACE, the producers. They don't give out keys, only invites.

Lucas 11 years ago
can you give me key an elder scrolls online

Cyberpunk 11 years ago
Iam tired of the military fps but i will give this a try

NOCturnel 11 years ago
I need beta key for this game I playd it on ru server and Im wery impresd

ZhaoYun 11 years ago
man i hope i was in the beta really wanna try this but oh well i will just wait for OB or something nice trailer hopefully i will get my hands to try this out soon

Funami 11 years ago
played the Russian and am in the test atm. while i cannot talk about the CB i can talk about my experience in the Russian version. i enjoy the game but wish for some larger maps especially when there are 32 players in a match. the maps are CQ with a bit of range at times. the Co-Op is fun although there are some wtf moments with the AI.

all in all it is good free to play game and if you do get in to the CB at least try it out.

Razer 11 years ago
You can try the Russian version while you're waiting for an invite.


The graphics are current gen for a change, but the gameplay is deceptively shallow. :(

ShitGame 11 years ago
Garbage browser shit game

Knifejaw 11 years ago
Looks sweet, can't wait for it!

Chaos_Fury 11 years ago
Please refrain from talking about the beta. Plus, there is no keys in Warface, you can only get invited by GFACE, so people who says that they have keys are lying.

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TheGamer 11 years ago
Iam in the beta right now.Just one question:
When i click to play on GFACE, it starts downloading a plugin and then loads the game, INSIDE MY FREAKING BROWSER! DA FAK IS DIZ SHT?
There is any client i can download?

SN 11 years ago
So far the game is rlly fun, and no one has found any game breaking bugs yet. :D

WZZAUW 11 years ago
i want a key plz send me !

Robbie 11 years ago
email me a key please!!!

vintro 11 years ago
can we have a giveaway :3 pliz. and btw love your site <3

Tristan Elledge 11 years ago
give me a key to please

Salahtahri 11 years ago
omg it is the future of free to play indeed can't wait to play this

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marutas 11 years ago
Game is to slow.... playing it in russia and ist not that good at all. The only good part of the game are the graphics nothing else .... for me, i see no succes on the NA/EU market for it.

If u want to Play it on russian Servers just Google for it. intwerbs will help u ....

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Curst 11 years ago
Quit teasing us. Giveaway some beta keys already. :)

Lagjosh 11 years ago
when does it start... this game look awesome and fun! :)

Galth 11 years ago
I'm still waiting for bigger pvp maps (something like bf3). The game is sweet (played Russian version) but the maps are too much focused on close-quarter combat imo.

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Megatroln 11 years ago
I am giving up all sorts of keys for 1 warface key just name the game i have keys for almost any game that is on closed beta

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steveoman2 11 years ago
This game looks awesome! Don't suppose anyone out there has a spare key? :)

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