Waren Story: Closed Beta Available Now
Take on legions of rival players in ferocious large-scale battles in Waren Story, the latest free to play MMORPG from Aeria Games. The company announced the beginning of Closed Beta testing for this fantasy adventure filled with great visuals and engaging PvP gameplay.
Waren Story features four distinct classes, and ten captivating PvP modes to foster competition between players and guilds. A variety of battlefields set the stage on which skilled gamers can vie for supremacy, and each other’s precious honor points. An ultimate battlefield also awaits for the bravest and most daring, pitting teams of up to 100 players against each other in a titanic clash. But players must take heed, as dying there means forfeiting experience points to the killing player and possibly losing valuable items!
The game also offers several methods of guild vs. guild conflict for large scale rivalries. Guilds may simply declare war upon each other and attack opposing players anywhere in the world, or enter the exciting Siege War mode for a more organized approach to wholesale slaughter. An invading guild must lay waste to a castle with weapons including cannons, catapults, ballistae, and of course, traditional PvP combat, while the defending guild must hold them off and protect their guild stone.
Not only does the winning guild in a Siege War gain additional treasure, they also get a ticket to the weekly Conquest War, a highly prestigious affair in which five guilds housed in five separate castles fight in a free-for-all battle royale. The winning guild receives major spoils, the ability to set tax rates on NPC vendors, and of course, supreme bragging rights for the week!
Players can participate in Waren Story’s beta at http://warenstory.aeriagames.com.
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Finally, players can have a their own home on the water.

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This led to a pretty brutal (but funny!) reply on their Facebook page.
-Stay Classy