Upgrade Your Epic Weapons Into Legendary Status With The New Broken Ranks Update
~All you gotta do is explore the Forge of Fate~
Epic weapons are cool and all, but legendary ones are better.
Thanks to a recent update for Broken Ranks, players can now transform their epic weapons into legendary status. This patch was put together following community feedback. Players can unlock said upgrades by exploring the new Forge of Fate area. Legendary weapons not only come with a fresh appearance and enhanced visual effects but also offer new parameters and properties, such as an additional attack circle.
Whitemoon Games said they emphasize a community-driven approach, which began with a series of updates tailored to player suggestions and quality-of-life improvements.
Looking ahead to May, the MMORPG promises a packed schedule of player-centric events. This lineup includes opportunities to earn significant character and pet experience, as well as special gear experience — incentivizing both returning and new players to dive back into Broken Ranks.
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About the Author
Matthew “dinofries” D'Onofrio is a writer, content creator, podcaster and — most importantly — a gamer. With such a strong passion for video games and a severe case of FOMO, it's no surprise he always has his finger on the pulse of the gaming world. On the rare occasion Matt's away from a screen, you'll find him strumming away on his acoustic guitar or taking care of his cat Totoro.
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