Updated World Of Warcraft Roadmaps Delay Cata Beta, Holly Longdale Talks Launching Content With "Surprises"
Been wondering why Dragonflight's PTR isn't active? Here's why.
World of Wacraft has a special celebration planned for the MMORPG's upcoming 20th anniversary that they are keeping top secret. Exactly what it is nobody outside of Blizzard knows, and they aren't even putting it on the PTR. All they'll say on the matter is that the update is coming in March.
What else is in store for WoW in the coming year? Let's have a look at some updated roadmaps and see what Holly Longdale has to say!
First up this year will be the WoW Classic: Season of Discovery Phase 2 launching February 8th. There will be new runes and a new PvP experience included in the update. Following that will be the Self-Found mode for WoW Classic Hardcore later in the month.
The Beta for Cataclysm Classic seems to have been delayed to Early Spring, originally slated for late Winter.
This year the World of Warcraft team is focusing on three main objectives across all of the games within the WoW universe. First, they want to continue to evolve the living world, second is the launch of The War Within expansion, and third is to try new things and take risks while listening to player feedback.
It'll be interesting to see what the March even is, and how well it goes off without PTR testing. It could be a huge surprise for the community, or a huge letdown if it doesn't function properly with no testing.
Note: Activision Blizzard has been sued by California’s Civil Rights Department, alleging violations of California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act and Equal Pay Act. CEO Bobby Kotick is alleged to have known about the alleged violations within his company. These allegations have all been denied by Activision Blizzard and the company points to additional diversity and inclusion training as past examples of taking the accusations seriously at the time they were made. This case has been settled for $54 million.
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About the Author

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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