Trion Worlds Streams Highlights Of Valor Program For Defiance 2050
What will loyal Defiance players receive when Defiance 2050 launches? Trion Worlds peeled back that curtain a little bit in a livestream today, revealing some Valor rewards that are sure to make fashion-conscious players ooh and aah and worry about how they'll clean hellbug gore off their shiny new duds.
In general, Valor Commendations in D2050 will come through pursuits completed and purchases made in the old game. There are eight new outfits and headgear in the Valor program, four based around Pursuits, one for each class, as well as several others. That is, BTW, as close as I could come to directly quoting the developers on the stream, and parts of it sound a little confusing. They promised that there would be a text article going up on the website next week, so hopefully that will clear up some of the confusion.
Other things you'll be able to purchase with Valor include XP, scrip, rep, weapon XP boosts, inventory slots, loadout slots, vehicles (six total new, each with two special tints), and six new titles, in addition to old titles you had unlocked: The Returned, Valorous, By Rornak's(?) Beard, Reloaded, Dauntless, and Valiant. So, all the usual stuff you'd expect to be able to buy with currency in a F2P game, but you'll be able to get them just based on how much you played the previous one.
Trion Worlds hasn't set a cutoff date on when you can earn Valor yet. You can watch the whole video on Periscope.
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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