Trion Worlds Halts ArcheAge APEX Purchases

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:


So, first there was an alleged "APEX Duplication" exploit in ArcheAge, then according to Scott Hartsman (Trion Worlds CEO), there wasn't one. Now there is again and Trion Worlds has officially suspended all APEX purchases until they can work with XL Games on fixing the "bug that can be exploited."


Other players chiming in on the duplication are claiming that APEX isn't the only item that can be duplicated using the bug. They allege that any boxes or items that require opening can be duplicated at will. APEX is just the marquee item that needs to be addressed first. Why? APEX is the cash link from the real world to ArcheAge's economy.

For those that aren't ArcheAge players, APEX is an item that can be purchased using real world currency. Think of it as a token. When you open this token in game you get credits which can be used to buy cash shop items, pay for patron status, or the APEX can be sold on the auction house. Think of it as a way for players that don't want to shell out cash to be able to buy patron time or cash shop items with their in game gold and allowing those that want to spend some real money to make in game gold.

Boy if an item that did that could be duplicated, you'd have yourself a world of problems. Problems which ArcheAge is dealing with right now.

Currently, there is no estimated date for APEX sales to resume but since this directly impacts the ability for Trion Worlds and XL Games to make money, you would think they won't be down for long. Let's just hope this is the last time they have to resort to this action, since it certainly hasn't been the first time they had to do so.

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In this article: Trion Worlds, ArcheAge, XL Games.

About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

More Stories by Michael Byrne

Discussion (19)

Android 10 years ago
Game is super boring, there is only 2 instances for endgamers, to max ur level u need only few days, stupid repetetive quest chains, all other game aspects is for farmville fans, another boring repetetive crap, for those who want 2nd job, tonnos of bugs , sick addicts with alternative characters still playing, normal players quit all the time, server is not full like at the beginning, there is no light in the tunnel, trion stuff is so bad, they not even bring patch notes for most of updates, and updates and events are so small, just another generic asian crap full of bugs.

Lol, XL games 10 years ago
Dis game so funny. HUEHUEHUEHUE.

Richard 10 years ago
Archeage is a fun mmo. but it just have so many problems. like some like me. who can't even get on. keep saying the gods have d/c you. before i even get to char list. sometime even after that. and randomly d/c. but it is still fun. if you play it with others. even more so in pvp zones. just wish the combat was action based and not point and click.

anip 10 years ago
saw this miles away...

they like to add real life stuff in Archeage, well there you go, real life game issues, LOL

Mr Heartless 10 years ago
The way Trion treats their customers, they don't deserve to succeed. I'm sure they are some good people working there but my God are the decision makers retarded. Archage was screwed from the time it launched. Over hype brought in a large audience initially most of whom have left and all that remains are the disgruntled and the blind. The former will make life very difficult for the latter.

Booya 10 years ago
Why are people still playing this game? Game is utter garbage, Trion's reputation is forever tarnished thanks to this dud.

Henry Lu 10 years ago
Why is this game even on a F2P site?

Meh 10 years ago
Game is already ruined Trion.
Same about Trion reputation, i feel bad for u guys!

ZED_pt 10 years ago
Is it wrong to be so glad to see Korean games that take years to come to western market fail so hard?

View 1 reply
Ritter 10 years ago
Trion's smell funny

Powerslave 10 years ago
Trion is terrible with any problems they have. Took them a month to get back to me on a issue. I will not ever put another dime into one of there games. AA was great, but doing nothing about land hackers, and bots made this game a POS. Good luck to anyone who thinks this game will carry on for long. I for one am done with all there games.

SoMany 10 years ago
Archeage is so full of drama, hackers, secrets and problems.....I need to start bringing popcorn cause it's getting entertaining

RavorsMalody 10 years ago
From the moment I first logged in and tried the game , I knew there was something wrong with it. I didnto like it and thank goodness I am no longer playing it

Echoless 10 years ago
I used to like trion because of rift, but this game really ruined their reputation bigtime. It's their fault for signing in with shitty XL games.

Miki 10 years ago
Unlucky start for the game lol , crap publisher :P

PandaStick 10 years ago
AA is an ok game, however Trion is one of the most garbage publisher.

doubletriple 10 years ago
bah lol, sme shit happened to russian realease of the game, so we all know this is a shitty game

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