Trion Announces ArcheAge, Rift Expansion, Trove Beta Launch Dates
Trion Worlds had a slew of news to dole out at PAX this weekend, the biggest of which is certain to be the announcement of the launch date for XLGames' sandbox MMO ArcheAge, which Trion is publishing in the West.
The official launch date for ArcheAge is Tuesday, Sept. 16, with an open beta on Sept. 4-8 and early access for Founders starting on Sept. 12. Meanwhile, Rift's Nightmare Tide expansion goes live on Oct. 8, offering three new zones, new dungeons and other top-level challenges, and four new souls.
The rest of Trion's games are also making news, with Defiance getting the Aftermath update at the end of September, and voxel-building Trove going into closed beta on Sept. 25.
Which of Trion's games are you most pumped about?
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Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Before that, they’ll tell you everything you need to know about the update in the next GGG Live.

Create a character to lock in a name, then transfer a character later if you don't want to start anew.

There are also new solo dungeon bosses and 3-Star dungeons to look forward to.

The Ubisoft show certainly keeps getting more interesting.
Archage crafting and colecting mats all goes around Labor and f2p players dont get labor when offline and gain 5 labor every 5 minutes while online with max labor of 2k now here is a simpel exampel:in order to build small boat (CLIPER) you need 1pack of lumber 1 pack of iron and 1 pack of fabric 10 gold and 150 labor points.1 pack of lumber need 50 labor points and 100 lumber,and 1 lumber needs 3 logs and 5 labor points plus you need labor to cut down a tree witch sometimes goes from 10 to 25 labor points so do the math.As f2p you dont get auction whitch will be your main sorce of gold.In order to buypass this you need a wery wery wery good guild or simply buy patron for 1 month to get auction house at least.f2p players are just in serius disadvantage in crafting,colecting and trading as for pvp,exploration and questing it is preaty much all same but you will all see it on Sept 4th.(sry for bad english)
did u know many players trion account billing info was hacked and purchases worth 150$ for arch-age founder packs were made there were unauthorized purchases on paypal and credit cards i am a victim myself loosing 450$ but paypal refunded me. those without credit cards haven't got any refund only a select few have.
Also, new site layout is much better, feels less like a lot more professional instead of like a hobby site.