Tree of Savior To Temporarily Stop New Players From Downloading The Game
When a new MMO launches, the developers typically do everything in their power to get new people into the game. Not Tree of Savior, though. Instead, IMC Games plans to temporarily restrict access to the game to existing players only while forbidding new players from downloading the game.
In a post on the game's official website, IMC says that it's asked Valve to "restrict newer players from downloading the game" via Steam as soon as possible due to multiple issues with server stability, client-side lag, and other problems. As of this writing, it's still available for download, but that could change at any time.
In its short life span, Tree of Savior has been plagued with multiple issues stemming from unusual policies, such as an initially announced three-month headstart for founders, ridiculously expensive haircuts, and a delay of the free-to-play implementation of the game. This latest drama almost seems to pale in comparison but the net sum of all these headaches has to be discouraging players, both existing ones and potentially new ones -- who soon won't even be able to try the game.
What's your take on Tree of Savior so far? If you're playing, has it been running well for you? And if you haven't yet, does all this ... stuff ... reduce your interest in trying it out?
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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As far as the "issues" go: Other players getting a head start doesn't affect me even slightly, ridiculously priced cosmetic items don't affect me even slightly (and is really nothing new in MMOs), and the launch delay was like less than a month and obviously affects nobody at this point, as the game is already launched. I'd say IMC has done a really great job with ToS, so far, at least compared to many other MMOs I've played. We'll see how efficiently they handle their server troubles.
The game runs really smoothly at other times, even though I still get 300 ping occasionally, for whatever reason. I'm not really discouraged or bothered by the other issues mentioned. There are so many other games I can try while they sort their problems out, then come back to it when it's all good, assuming it ever gets to that point.
i dont feel restricted, nor do i care if paying people got a headstart or what price cosmetics are...
it's a nice little's not anything revolutionary, and the action might not be the fastest, but it's ok.