Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Newest DLC, "Glutton's Gamble," Is Here

Fight the voracious Sand Witch in the hopes of some worthy loot.

Aspen Pash
By Aspen Pash, News Editor Posted:

Tiny Tinas Wonderlands Gluttons Gamble

The real gamble in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands newest DLC, Glutton's Gamble, is if players will be rewarded with more than just the 10-minutes of content they received in the first DLC, Coiled Captors. Despite Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands performing very well according to T2’s financial report, the game's first DLC was a flop to say the least.

Now players are faced with the next DLC. In Vesper's second Mirror of Mystery, trouble is brewing as the Sand Witch, Imelda, unleashes her latest bubbling creation—a potion that imbues her with an insatiable appetite. Players will need to collect ingredients for her latest recipe, all the while fighting shrooms, crabs, and the Gingerdead.

Vesper and her Mirror of Mystery are located in the Dreamveil Overlook, just outside of Brighthoof in the Overworld. The enemies will have a baseline level of 13 and will scale to a player’s Fatemaker level beyond that. Just like in Coiled Captors, if players die while in a Mirror of Mystery, they will be kicked out and have to start over if they wish to fight Imelda.

Similar to Coiled Captors, Imelda will become stronger and progressively tougher each week. To unlock the following items and hear the full story, players will have no choice but to fight Imelda and all her forms. Below are the dates of each form as well as what items will be dropped.

• First Form: May 19 at 9:30 AM PT - New Garlic Breath Legendary spell and Precious Jamstone Legendary ring

• Second Form: May 26 at 9:30 AM PT - New Salt and Battery Legendary melee weapon and Lich’s Augur Legendary ward

• Third Form: June 2 at 9:30 AM PT - New Boltlash Legendary spell and Miasmic Chainmail Legendary armor

• Final Form: June 9 at 9:30 AM PT - Two new Legendary guns (Oil & Spice and Butterboom) and Barboload Legendary amulet

Players that have already purchased Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Season Pass will already have access to Glutton’s Gamble, while those who have not can always buy the DLC as an individual purchase.

As long as Glutton’s Gamble provides players with a lengthier DLC than its predecessor, as well as better loot, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands may just win back their fans' hearts. Still, with much of the same outlined in this DLC that mirrors Coiled Captors, only time will tell.

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About the Author

Aspen Pash
Aspen Pash, News Editor

Aspen is an avid gamer and Twitch streamer currently residing in Japan. She is most attracted to games narrative design and is a huge fan of player choice in games. If Aspen is not playing games, she is most certainly writing about them.

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Discussion (1)

mercillesss 2 years ago
Sorry, But we all know it's going to the be the exact same length as the previous dlc, they basically are doing the same template for this dlc as they did with the last one by slowly releasing difficulties over a time. The theme behind the DLC is nice but the amount of content behind is not. If you ask me I think all the DLCs from the season pass should be one DLC altogether and not separate, it feels like they are trying to release episodes of 1 long story.

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