Tiara Concerto Announced!
Gamania Digital Entertainment is proud to announce a new musical adventure in the skies, its upcoming Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) game, Tiara Concerto. Information on the game’s storyline and world has been revealed, giving players a sneak peek at the mysterious musical instruments used to ward off enemies and unlock new dimensions. In addition to the game, Tiara Concerto’s RD team has created a new comic series, Tiara Concerto Mini, which will appear in weekly installments on the official Facebook fan page, revealing additional information on the game.
The story of Tiara Concerto transports players 800 years in the past, to the time of the Star Chord Judgment – the result of wasteful Humans exhausting all of earth’s resources. In their final hour, with the world on the verge of self-destruction, the legendary Seven Wise Men managed to unlocked a new dimension, saving the Humans from complete annihilation. While their home world was lost forever, the surviving Humans managed to escape judgment by living on floating islands in the sky. As years passed, they developed a mysterious skill called “Tuning,” in which they used instruments to produce resonance with energy from the past, thereby allowing them to slowly reclaim resources from their homeland. Now, the Humans must cooperate with other magical races – the Elves and the Beasts – to take down the Rhythmic Monsters prowling the skies and bring back their lost civilization.
Tiara Concerto is a adventure MMO game. Players can launch rapid and well-executed continuous attacks even in the simplest operation mode, and utilize advanced skills! The game also has a complete social system. Players will also need to nurture their spirituality and create romance while battling monsters together. In Tiara Concerto, players have to use instruments to unlock levels in another dimension. At the same time, they have to be wary of counterattacks that lurk within the driving force of musical rhythms. Their task is to seize the chance for survival and to reestablish civilization as it existed in olden days!
The Tiara Concerto production team brought its ingenuity and humor into play to create the side-splitting comic strip series, Tiara Concerto Mini. The strip includes a sneak preview of the game’s characters, settings and professions. The comic series will be available on Tiara Concerto’s Facebook fan page beginning in August.
For the latest information on Tiara Concerto, visit http://www.tiara-concerto.com/
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SO happy to see it announced, can't wait to play it ^^
I've seen a trailer of this a loooooong time ago. I'm so so definitely absolutely going to play this for sure lol XD