This Week In Destiny Has Videos, Info, And Reminders You'll Want To See
We're less than two weeks from Destiny 2: The Final Shape.
This Week In Destiny takes a look back at all the news coming out of Bungie for Destiny 2, and it's been a pretty big week seeing as how The Final Shape expansion for the shooter launches on June 3rd.
First of all, we got two new videos to peep this week, one is the Into the Pale Heart cinematic, and the other is a ViDoc detailing some behind-the-scenes goings-on. You can watch Part 1 of the ViDoc along with the cinematic in the link above, and Part 2 of the ViDoc below.
You can sign up to take part in the world's first race for the new raid in The Final Shape over on Twitch Rivals. The race begins June 3rd at 5 PM PT and will be livestreamed and hosted by Professor Broman and Reck1568.
Drop rates on BRAVE weapons in Destiny 2 have been increased this week, and on May 28th at 10 AM PT Bungie will be doubling the drop chance of limited-edition versions of BRAVE weapons. Go get them purty guns.
Then of course they recapped the Pathfinder system, a brand new pursuit system being introduced to Destiny 2 that consolidates bounties, patrols, and weekly vendor challenges into one streamlined system you can access anytime, anywhere. Different Pathfinders can be accessed from the relevant screens of the Director by selecting the Pathfinder node or using a hotkey for quick and easy access to the system.
One last reminder to use your Legendary Shards before they go away at the end of Season of the Wish. That's less than two weeks, so get to spending.
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About the Author

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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