This Week In Destiny Post Teases More Season Of The Wish Content...Including A Glimmer Cap Increase
Bungie also announces the fifth-anniversary of Game2Give.
Today, Bungie dropped the latest installment of This Week in Destiny on their site. A portion of the post was a recap of the happenings in Destiny 2's Season of the Wish so far. That said, there’s more on the way, beginning with Riven’s Wishes on January 30. This will add new weekly pursuits and related prizes. The 30th is also when Moments of Triumph 2023 begins and players can earn both in-game and physical rewards.
The dev team would also like players to know they’re increasing the amount of Glimmer players can carry to 500,000 when the update drops on January 30.
In other future news, the chance to change Guardian appearances arrives with the release of The Final Shape. The future also promises new wizard-themed gear and the Wish-Keeper exotic bow – which can be seen in the video below.
Another bit of Destiny-related news is the return of Game2Give for the fifth year. This global charity campaign brings the shooter's players together by offering special rewards and events in order to support children’s hospitals. In honor of the event’s fifth anniversary, the Bungie Foundation is reintroducing twenty legacy Destiny 2 emblems. The organization is also offering special edition Game2Give merchandise for the first time through the Bungie Store.
To participate, players donate and earn credits toward rewards, for every $7 players will earn a credit. There’s no limit to the number of credits players can earn.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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