The Technotavern And Bob's Holiday Bash Come To Hearthstone In Today's Season 9 Launch
Heroic Tavern Brawl is back, too, but that starts tomorrow.
It's Season 9 Battlegrounds time in Hearthstone today. The F2P card game's patch not only resets season progression and offers a new batch of rewards, but it also brings multiple new features and the return of some past features.
First up we have the main dish of the new Battlegrounds season. Trinkets are gone, ranking is reset, and it's time to hit up the new Rewards Track. The season drops three new heroes: Farseer Nobundo, Exarch Othaar, and Zerek, Master Cloner. These three heroes will be offered in all Battlegrounds Solo and Duo matches, so you will not be able to reroll into them. Yes, you read that right, reroll is a thing now. You can reroll each hero once using Battleground Tokens and you'll get a new hero that hasn't yet been offered to any player in the lobby.
Obviously a new season means a new battle pass offering, so I can skip that one. You know the deal there.
Twist is back, though! This Wonders format game allows you to create decks out of a limited list of previous sets. An "XL" version of Twist will drop in January. The XL mode allows decks between 30-40 cards and your life total will be equal to the number of cards in your deck.
Bob will be back on December 10th to start a series of holiday events in Hearthstone and Battlegrounds. Check out the official post for event details and bug fixes before you hop in.
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About the Author
Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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