The Secret World Going Free To Play This Month?

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Joel Bylos, Game Director of The Secret World, has started a web series full of almost as much mystery and intrigue as the game itself. While contemplating the alleged "End of the World" on December 21, 2012, this first video log follows Joel's thoughts on how to get more people to play The Secret World before the coming Apocalypse. The video has some funny tidbits and culminates in Joel crashing a Funcom board meeting and telling the head honchos to "Drop the Sub" and have the "Subscription not Required".

While the video focuses on these thoughts and the date 12-21-2012, it stops short of actually advertising the game as going Free-to-Play. The video series is "to be continued" and more details are sure to come out in the next few days.

So what does it all mean? Will The Secret World shift to a fully free to play model? Will it drop the subscription and still require a box purchase a la the Guild Wars 2 payment model? Looks like the last few days on earth should be interesting... at least as far as The Secret World is concerned.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: The Secret World.

Discussion (45)

Bx 12 years ago
freemium is worse then anything

Deathgod 12 years ago
Went buy to play today

Instead of having to pay every month just to play the game, you'll now only need to part with your cash once to buy the title and then select which of the three membership tiers you want: free, member or grand master.

The conversion isn't planned to introduce any restrictions to the game's current content; anyone who opts for the free tier will be able to access every weapon, dungeon and mission included in Issues 1 to 4. The next update, Issue 5, is planned for January and will be provided free of charge to anyone who registers an account before the end of December.

That's not to say subscription options are disappearing entirely, though. Choosing to pay the base amount of $15/€15 a month for a membership will net you an item that doubles XP gains for an hour with a 16 hour cooldown, Bonus Points to the value of $10/€10 every month to spend in the Item Store, a mystery gift on the first patch day of each month and a 10% discount on everything except content packs and other "packs" in the Item Store.

Grand master lifetime members will get all that plus a further 10% discount at the Item Store. Both members and grand masters can use their free monthly Bonus Points to purchase DLC, while anyone who currently still has sub time left will be credited with 1200 bonus points and the XP boosting item.

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Sicaris 12 years ago
You guys..Funcom will never do a game totally free >.>..BTW they only removed the subs but u need to pay for the game -.-

werwer 12 years ago
f2p , everyone gets it

adsd 12 years ago
free to play without restriction , maybe i'll give a try M A Y B E

longtimegamer 12 years ago
end of the world happening Dec 21? well here is a bit of thought for you, they didn't have leap years so it should have happened 8 years ago if you use the Mayan calendar

jonathon82 12 years ago
Its a good game. ts something different and unique. Theres a lot of new stuff that nobodys ever in an MMO. I subbed for a few months and had a ton of fun and the combats not as bad as people say. I actually liked it better then most MMO's. Just like I do with all MMO's these days I got bored and went somewhere else. So its not worth subbing to only to play sometimes but it is worth the sub IMO I really dont like how free to play games do people these days. Im like evryone else, hoping its just not a bunch of wack ass restrictions

Curst 12 years ago
Is it the end of the secret world? How sad...

xcr00k3dx 12 years ago
I bet that it's going to have a free play day where they have an end of the world event =D

Kraele 12 years ago
Wonderful game, and it's actually a good P2P title, it's just not a top priority P2P title. If it went F2P, it would blow up like crazy.

Echoman 12 years ago
Im so unlucky to have birthday at the same time as the end of the world xD

removalmitt 12 years ago
might give this a try if properly ftp (i.e not extended/unlimited trial or with crazy restrictions)

gw2 killed off btp for me so not falling for that 1 trick pony again

Odin 12 years ago
it's not going free to play its going buy to play (like guild wars 2) i saw a adv.

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hovsep 12 years ago
*sniff sniff* smell that? i smell bullshit restrictions

sdfdsf 12 years ago
every game goes to f2p. why? best way to advertise it and make it popular= let it play for free, and add the cash shop and subscription for when they decide to buy

Seawolf 12 years ago
I dont like F2P!! Please make games that we have to buy like always!!

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Fedde 12 years ago
Please FUNCOM make it FREE!!!

zoren 12 years ago
If they do f2p it might be full f2p or it will be like swtor

nexthazard 12 years ago
ya this game is epic but who in the world is this wasteman -,-

Zhao Yun 12 years ago
well we all know turning this game f2p from p2p will give em for sure more players i would personally play this/try this if it went f2p i mean who wouldn't seems an awesome game i just don't like(as magicman said)its combat system but i will give it i try 12 years ago
I beta tested and couldn't afford the monthly, if they keep the F2P at the same level as the Beta, I'd play...

Gamer 12 years ago
First thing I saw on this link on the video... is some guy's belly o.o
Lol... xD

But yeah, I hope this game would be F2P

globox 12 years ago
Let's just hope they don't follow a bad example like Bioware/EA with the F2P option.

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Philtothetop 12 years ago
It wont happen. Else it would be unfair for players who bought the lifetime subs. It's worth a year and about two months, and the game is out for only 4 months. I am a lifetime subscriber and hope to be refunded a part of the 200$, even if i get free goodies each months

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Rufinus 12 years ago
i would play if this game goes ftp

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