The Open Road: KingsRoad Enters Open Beta

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Browser games are in a strange place right now. While their quality has improved dramatically over the last few years (due in part to the advancements in 3D browser plugins), they still see a negative stigma placed upon their heads. Granted, this is for a legitimate reason. Browser games were and still remain largely horrible, but recently we have seen games like City of Steam, Gunswords, Chronoblade, and even Heroes and Generals show us it is possible to deliver a fairly entertaining and sometimes lengthy gaming experience within the browser.

Rumble Entertainment and their action RPG KingsRoad hope for a chance to be considered more than just another browser MMO. Greg Richardson, CEO of Rumble Entertainment touched on this very point when he talked about how they had "been pouring our hearts into reshaping what players can expect from a Facebook or browser game." The game allows players to assume the role of a knight, archer, or wizard while journeying across the kingdom known as Alderstone in a quest to save it from the inevitable evil places with such names attract. The game offers real-time combat (no tab targeting), a robust loot and skill system, along with towering bosses. KidsRoad just went into open beta and to celebrate Rumble will be holding a series of launch week events and giveaways. You can find the full list of events or just try the game out for yourself by visiting the official site here.

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In this article: Kingsroad.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (16)

yudakel 10 years ago
If you care about your time,dont play this game. This game is all about making money,this game have no content after lvl 100 (which you will get easily coz this game is easy).

All Rumble company care about is money (you can check me on this),and nothing else.

There are 23 short maps in this game,each map can be done in the highest difficulty in less than 5 mins,so if you looking for real content,you will not find it in King's Road...also after lvl 60-70 all you can do in this game is farm gold,than run and waste it on stupid mindless event,one of an endless events that all they purpose is to suck your money,thats it.

Want a real game ? go play Marvel Heros :)

Name (Required) 11 years ago
Very Nice!!!

rezaa 11 years ago
Obviously I like this game, which is attractive to me like Age of Wushu. I can build up my own world in the game freely.

zhengf 11 years ago
It's an interesting topic which reminds me of Age of Wushu. The game has no level no career, but it has great graphics and fighting styles.

jonathon82 12 years ago
I coulda swore we already seen a first look for this lol Who plays these games these always money grabs IMO

SoMad 12 years ago
I never....NEVER bevor was angry or mad because of a game until NOW. Im so pissed off and that for only one reason. THAT LAG. I never played a game that laggy in my life. Its a random lucky mess. This is just a browser game, how the hell can it be that laggy? Teleporting all over the map so does the enemys. getting attack from invisible enemy troops for like 10 secs bevor they show themself (and no, they dont have an invisible skill). I cant tell in words, how angry this made me.

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classic 12 years ago
played today about 6 hours no premium no payed for cristals ~35 lvl, crystals really need for 300 xp bonus for half hour, but i give for this epic game 9/10.

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
compering this to POE is like comparing planetside 2 to district 187 so dont do that :P as said about 2 times already it forces you to pay so again as said if you dont inted to pay dont bother with this game

iluvgamez 12 years ago
Well, i gave it a shot. For a browser game, its really great. Attacking is smooth. Animations looks nice. Its a game you can jump in a play for a few moments.
But this is p2w. Hardly p2w. Every good item or upgrade u need gems. you can get some gems in game or purchase them. Buff potions (like, more crit dmg, higher chance to get better loot etc), more inventory space and chest space, upgrading merchant (takes 24 hours but for 1700gems u can finish it right aways, played for about 3 hours and still have only 170gems. there is no way to get enough gems in game to play it without purchasing it. You also find chests on your way. Only problem, u cant open it without spending gems. A normal chest costs 50gems to open. A superior chest 100gems and so on.
Overall, game itself is well done but if you dont wanna spend money, stay away from this.

spell 12 years ago
this is just a Dragensag copy! pitty

Zombie 12 years ago
Path of Exile still destroys this game in every way possible.

Yup 12 years ago
For a browser-based game, it's pretty rad. It controls fine and looks nice. I'm a bit worried about micro-transactions though, seeing as how the purchased currency can net you anything from extra skill points, ingame gold, certain buffs, inventory and bank space, as well as faster item upgrades. There's also the worry of 'supreme chests' you find in various instances, each of which is guaranteed to contain a green items or higher. Thing is, to open them you have to dish out 50 gems. While gems are obtainable from quests, missions, and completing instances at higher difficulties, you'll end up spending them far faster than you can collect 'um. I don't want to say it's a blatant cash grab, but it does look that way early in the game. I don't know, maybe it's different end-game. It's fun though, and it's worth dumping a few minutes in if you don't have anything better to do.

uguruano 12 years ago
no mouted, why path of exil better

Takerukun3 12 years ago
overhead games dun need tab target o.o its like diablo style.

Crise123 12 years ago
MOUNTED!!!! not

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