The End: Trion Removes End of Nations website and references

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Well isn't this just depressing. End of Nations, an in-development RTS turned MOBA developed by Trion Worlds has quietly shutdown the End of Nations website and all mention of the title has been completely removed from Trion's official site.

Originally launched into closed alpha in early 2011, the Free-to-Play End of Nations wowed potential fans with promises of large-scale RTS battles with up to a hundred players and thousands of units battling it out for supremacy. However, after several development setbacks, layoffs, and the transfer of development duties from Petroglyph Games to Trion, End of Nations future seemed bleak. Shortly after Trion took over development, the studio announced End of Nations would be re-purposed as a MOBA with a max of four players on each side.

The RTS genre has had a history of not mixing well with Free-to-Play. Recently, EA's own attempt at a Free-to-Play Command and Conquer reboot was also axed during development. Trion Worlds has yet to release any official statement regarding the future of End of Nations, however GameFront did manage to procure a response from Trion PR manager Anaïs Gragueb, who stated the studio was "currently focusing the company's enegey and creativity on Rift, Defiance, Trove, ArcheAge, and some new projects we’ll be revealing soon.”

We've reached out on our own to Trion for any more information they can provide.

Update: Trion's PR Manager Anais Gragueb has responded to our inquiry, however the official statement is the same as the one GameFront received:

As we informed EON’s community last fall, internal development on End of Nations was put on hold in late 2013 while we evaluated potential paths forward for the title. We're currently focusing the company's energy and creativity on Rift, Defiance, Trove, ArcheAge, and some new projects we'll be revealing soon.

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (12)

Jooq 11 years ago
"We’re currently focusing the company’s energy and creativity on Rift, Defiance, Trove, ArcheAge, and some new projects we’ll be revealing soon."
Trove is more important than End of Nations? What is this? O_O Just another minecraft-blockbullshit.
Seriously, I don't understand devs... And Defiance is boring *fake* mmo which is single-player actually. Rift is alright, Archeage mixed feelings (not my type). I wanted EoN -.- fkdem

Reavermyst 11 years ago
Someone better answer the phone because I FREAKING CALLED IT!

Jooq 11 years ago
Oh what the hell...first Generals 2, now End of Nations. Bs -.- Dissapointed.

Merkadis 11 years ago
They just don't have time for everything, especially not for a moba with uncertain future.
It was wise to throw already thin resources from EN to elsewhere instead.

fromhelll 11 years ago
That's pretty odd, they just had a "technical test" this weekend, kind of similar to what Strife had where you could win full access to the Beta, they even announced the winners on their twitter page. I guess not enough people joined in.

I like RTS, but I have to say this one felt pretty awful, I know it was a test, and the game is far from finished, but it looked like something made in a hurry, there wasn't much dept to the game

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Name (Required) 11 years ago
i don't see how RTS f2p would be hard.... just make up cosmetic items for the units... voila

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Joker 11 years ago
I dont know what the deal was, but i played the CB when it was a RTS? lol.
And the game was totaly amazing. Well RIP.

Aqua10 11 years ago
That's a shame, and also a bit odd considering the game seemed to be much further along than Command and Conquer was for example. I suppose the RTS genre is harder to transfer to the F2P model while avoiding potential P2W issues.

Jambock 11 years ago
The game died when they decided to transform it an "MOBA"...

Mounted 11 years ago
Mounted son

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