The Dragon Crosses: Dragon Nest EU Beta Keys Go Out

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

More than a year after its NA counterpart released, Dragon Nest EU is finally giving beta keys out. News came yesterday that closed beta keys would begin heading out in massive amounts. For those of you who always seem to miss out on being the lucky one there is one saving grace. This comes in the form of a limited chance at beta keys for anyone and everyone on the Dragon Nest Europe official web site coming up on the 12th of February. So perhaps an exclusive open beta period that then goes back into closed beta until the game's official release on March 6th.

If you happen to get into the Closed Beta you may be happy to hear that EFusion has promised no database wipes on all characters during the CBT if the server hits 8,000 concurrent users. That certainly seems doable in my eyes given the game's popularity in the West at launch, but that was in 2011 and times are changing. Still best of luck to the players. Having participated in a large share of fun CBTs, I can attest to how much it hurts to know you will have to do it all over at launch. You have my encouragement and sympathies.

If you are interested in scoring a beta key, eFusion is holding beta giveaway events on the game's FB page here.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Dragon Nest.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (21)

Uteliukas 12 years ago
Hah, what about CherryCredits's DN? It has an bigger population than the official.... This wont be very popular i promise..

Name (Required) 12 years ago
19 more days till the closed beta closes >.<

TheStealthyOne 12 years ago
I think its 2 late for DN.. EU players could have (Within the 2 years) Just played NA DN.. The game is dead in NA an I suspect it will be dead in EU.

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Exeed 12 years ago
Yeah, you could play the SEA (cherry credits) version as long as you weren't from the continental US, or China. But unless you were from the region, the ping was a bit dodgy, thus making PVP a crapshute.

beater 12 years ago
Well, I don't have time to play this now, I'll see about it in the future. As for beta players, I think it would be unfair to new players if the continue with the profiles they built up during beta stage of the game.
They should create 2 servers, and put beta testers on one, and new players on the other.

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dagudman 12 years ago
Wait closed beta? Wasn't this game lauched already? Also I thought you could play it on cherrycredits if you are in europe, at least that's what I did. So WTF?

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Kethus 12 years ago
I do not see any beta key event on their facebook page. Some guy directed me to some polish website, but I guess I'll wait a little since they said they had given 100k keys or something.

SneezE 12 years ago
took them long enough.....

hardmode 12 years ago
maybe this is a dumb question but, thus game is diferent from DN sea?

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ZhaoYun 12 years ago
interesting i hope they hit 8k users otherwise more than 8k users will waste their time in the cb :P.good luck to them i am not tryin this for now i might try it in the future depending on how everything goes

Mgamer 12 years ago
DGN should came out a long time ago to EU.

MOUNTED 12 years ago

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