The Buddy System: Planetside 2 March Update Details Emerge

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Planetside 2 continues to see new updates and features added on a monthly basis. Earlier in the year we saw strategic underground tunnels added along with a redesign of some of the larger bases in order to provide better cover for both the attackers and defenders. The upcoming March update is set to launch soon and with it comes a host of new additions including new quadbikes, faction specific rocket launchers, and much needed UI adjustments.

Planetside 2 is all about the buddy system. Tanks need secondary gunners, Liberators need bombers, Heavy Assaults need Engineers supplying them with rocket ammo and so on and so forth. Now with the introduction of the redesigned quadbike (better known as the Flash), players can take a buddy with them on the go via a new rear-mounted seat allows an additional player to ride on a flash. Those who choose to ride as passengers can use any available weapon or tool except for deployables, allowing players to take potshots at enemies while zipping past them in the heat of battle. Additionally, the Recon class can now cloak while on the Flash, cloaking both themselves and the vehicle for a short period.

With the introduction of faction specific rocket launchers (and I am not talking about the simple re-skins of the stock launcher) the separation between factions is slowly moving forward. The Vanu get a charge based launcher which deals additional damage based on charge time, the Terran Republic get a magazine fed launcher capable of firing multiple lock on rockets in quick succession, and the New Conglomerate get a camera guided launcher which allows the player to steer the projectile in mid flight.

More details can be found in the preview video above as well as on Planetside 2's official Roadmap which details potential changes based on player interest. I encourage you to check it out as some of the upcoming updates are quite exciting. Here I already have the link ready for you and everything. Aren't I nice.

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In this article: PlanetSide 2.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (38)

Qjsky 11 years ago
have you guys ever thought about why some many games are unpopuar? innovation is key to game development, take age of wushu for instance, unique gameplays and hundreds of skills without the burden of leveling. hell the skills in there could take on bruce lee. lol.

auan 11 years ago
Players are weired sometime, fighting for FPS in games will suddenly change to skill-learning in Age of Wushu.

Niko13871387 12 years ago
I find that a game like Plantside 2 needs that communication as you can die fairly easy and plan out attacks with some smaller squads will be appreciated.

rentherose 12 years ago
I said lean to pay to win didnt say it was pat to win you can still get weapons if you pay money and it would take forever to try to get those weapons if you did not pay money since they cost around 1000 points that's why I said it lanes to pay the win.

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aymendj 12 years ago
You know what would be awesome MMOBOMB ? a Planetside 2 giveaway.

RenTheRose 12 years ago
umm cool i guess planet side 2 has started to lean in the pay to win directions so i bet you have to buy these new weapons i like the new 4 wheelers i always wanted to ride on the back because not other vehicle was around. but this seems a little odd as news you guys don't normally post stuff about patches and updates about other games i wonder why planet side 2 gets a article for its update. i am not complaining jest a thought i mean i am always Happy to hear about news on games.

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Cacalips 12 years ago
This game just pushes the system more and more and I Can no longer run it. IT is sad because it is processing DEAD SPACE! All tha tterrain and the battles occupy 20% of the map, the extra space is just for cheaters to go hide in the bushes and kill themself and rez for extra points LOL stupid game is stupid.

It's unplayable.. 12 years ago
I used t be able to turn everything down and make the game playable at nearly a stable 30 fps even in large battles.. Now they added some new effects that cannot be turned off and neglected to even optimize the game to use even 30% more GPU (still basically ALL cpu bound) so I just tried to play it and could only muster 2-7 fps even with everything turned as low as it could go..

Disappointing.. All the leets talking about how much I should spend on a PC to play and I say if that is the ONLY game where my GTX 660ti is not powerful enough to run then F---! that game and I will stick to what I CAN play..

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Dokkodo 12 years ago
Planetside 2 is a great waste of potential. A persistent multiplayer open-world shooter just sounds great in concept. You actually play's just plain boring, it's not very good looking to boot. I can get past bad graphics for good gameplay, but the game play isn't good either.

In a gaming world full of unique shooters and bland shooters that at least look beautiful...hard to understand how this game has a playerbase.

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SlightlyMad 12 years ago
ok i apologise. no more rage. <3 4 all. i love the new host from the f2p weekly, is she single? :D

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70calories 12 years ago
the new updates to this game gets me excited Planetside 2 is a pretty awesome game kept be entertained all the way up till my computer decided to crap out on me it had a few p2w aspects that I'm not happy with but nothings perfect once I'm able to get a new rig I'm diffidently playing agian

SlightlyMad 12 years ago
what da fck is happening to mmobomb? what is this sht? a-bomb to this review! im extremely sad, first we lose remo, then magicmen, if we dont stop this what we gonna lose next? the entire gaming people? grrr we cant let money talk louder then ourselfs. free gaming comunity cant be ruled by a paid kiddy worker. Hes ruinning all the goos free to play sites we all know and like, first was mmohut, now mmobomb, we just dont like you dude, isnt mcdonnalds recruiting employers? pfff get lost! double a-bomb! done, i said!

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70calories 12 years ago
*beats with rolled up newspaper* No! Bad! Go outside!

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Okofire 12 years ago
First commenot and mounted!

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