The Aurora World Closed Beta Set for March
It's time to get ready for yet another Asian MMO import. The MMORPG in question this time is The Aurora World (try to say Aurora 5 times fast), a tri-faction MMO with notable feature highlights such as 300-player PvP battles, a pet system that evolves as you level while doubling as a mount and...yeah that's all I've got. That isn't to say that is all there is to do in the game. There are PvE quests and inevitable bosses to slay all in an effort to restore balance to a war torn land destroyed at one point in time by angry gods (what MMO land hasn't been). In the end though, I had a hard time finding more available info on the game.
A quick glance at the site reveals all the aforementioned features along with 4 professions to choose from, each having two sub-classes you can spec into. Curiously 3 of the professions are magic based in some way with only one profession, -the typical Warrior- utilizing physical attacks. Regardless, if you want to try out The Aurora World you will need to wait till March 7th which is when the official closed beta is set to launch. Beta keys will be made available soon and you can bet we will have some here for you to snag in order to try the game out for yourself. Check out the trailer above for some random gameplay and a cute panda wearing a backpack.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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I should have known that in an effort to further slice the Kingdom Hearts series into increasingly obscure spin offs, someone would have eventually thought to make a Free-to-Play Kingdom Hearts game.
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Elemental Strands get an event of their own.

It looks like backers are crushing those stretch goals.

The event will last longer than it has in previous iterations.

The MMORPG is already getting its first level cap increase as the catchup to the OG version begins.
guess wat? it went down becouse the company got too greedy, and now, one private server own it.
The game was fun but after 30 got HARD and at the time we had 0 Healers in are nation and 4 warriors lvl 31+ try to do the 1st dungeon and we fail so hard mobs hit you for 400-600 a time and your hp is only 3000 (we were good geared xD) but apart from that the game is fun and the pet is mount idea is BRILL flying swords/discs and also Epic looking Dragon how can you go rong the Item mall in game can make it P2W but not so much in this game from what i seen in Alpha test
I want to play as a fat dancing panda! XD I hope that's actually a race...