TERA sees Free-to-Play Success, Half a Million New Players

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Converting a Pay-to-Play MMORPG to Free-to-Play is akin to resuscitating a dying individual with high voltage shock paddles. An MMO can go from DOA to alive and thriving within the time span of just a few months. A F2P medicine miracle if you will. Today, we have yet another survival/success story with TERA: Rising reporting over a half a million new users registered since the game moved to free-to-play on February 5th. It should be noted that these are figures from just the EU version and do not include NA.

Gameforge has released a few TERA F2P stats for you to digest:

* Around 1.5 million characters have been created since the game switched to F2P
* The Castanics are the most popular race with the Humans and High Elves shortly after.
* The Warrior enjoys the title of most popular class, followed by the Sorcerer and the Archer.

In the game's next update which is scheduled for sometime this year, TERA will see new features added to its political system including the ability for guilds to enter into alliances with other guilds and vie for supremacy against others on their server. Are you enjoying TERA?

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: TERA.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (54)

kldsafs 11 years ago
Uninstalled @ level 4.
This game is dogballs.

Qjsky 11 years ago
omg thats it, im done with this game. the graphic sux, no storyline, even worse than age of wushu. i'd rather live in that world.

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auan 11 years ago
I look forward to some upcoming games in April. For example, Age of Wushu.

scorpy 11 years ago
well 4 a free to play game that does not require any subscription is awesome ... and IT IS FTP! Any1 doesnt like the grind or whatever O.o - for a free game does offer a lot .. if u think its not worth playing just find better game :)) if u can ;)

Amanoh 11 years ago
half a million of new players??? try to count a couple months later ... i have play the first 2 weeks and is ok but i will never play againg , there are and it will be better games , so why to pay for this??? i think the players will leave the game apart soon...

Vincent 11 years ago
the EU server is stable as hell!!!

zozoboy 11 years ago
i want to play TERA but don't think it will run well in my lappy :/

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Zekyga 11 years ago
Not going to lie i loved that (tab and fight) or (click and fight) but after having a fierce (Archer vs. Sorcerer) PVP battle with my friend i fell in love with this game <3
I mean like that match went on for like more than 5 min and we was only level 7 or 8. I was like i can't wait until i'm like a high level because that was intense match. I been playing (click and fight) for like 7 years and Tera was the second free aim game I played beside Guild War 2 O_O

vps 12 years ago
Hi! I really love this blog. Please tell me - from where do you have information for ths post?

Cacalips 12 years ago
I really enjoy this game. IT is casual friendly and has hardcore appeal. All and all just a really well designed game. PEople complain of "grind" but there is not. I am level 30 two weeks casual play and have a top character from dedicated play (and no where near a grind as other mmorpgs.
The game has a great story. Allot of trolls say "only lancer is best class, ga,e has boring quest, no end game" - All false, this game has the best priest class I ever played. I have great pve and solo skills, and then a entire row of heal and group support skills. Love playing it! The questing is epic. You do not go 1 to 2. It is like AION, 1 to 3 to 2 to 5 and maybe back to 1 to do some more things. YOu constantly are moving, seeing new mobs and maps. In fact, the most of anything you ever have to kill is 20, it usually is 10. So that changes pace in a good way. VARIETY.
Quest is epic, they do lot sof cutscenes, movies, and then even INSTANCED STORY QUEST, where you teleport into a plot of a story and have to help do something like protect from waves of mobs, or discover something...Etc. We can say it is like a dyanmic event instanced for you (unlike GW2 where you have to have 20 others loggin same time or else skip it).
Cash shop balanced, and I am end game without need of it.
There is this HORRIBLE mmorpg site called mmogrinder.com. The idiot there, named CHAOS, does not like this game so he made a "balanced" video and called this game hard to run (I run in medium high on a 6 year old crap system), grindy, and dumb (he did not like the sound files). He ran this game into the ground and when I commented nicely and made a little review, he got mad, blocked me from all his networks and promotes fals claims about this game. I advise you all to go there and troll him!

View 7 replies
francomeister 12 years ago
Anyone know they fixed the queue system or not because I try play the game in the past and horrible waiting time show me? (45 min or more) (Sorry my bad English)

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Joshua 12 years ago
I dont play Tera but its a nice intro that makes me want to play it!

mAbOK 12 years ago
Please let us SEA players join in TERA as well!~
Dissappointed they ban region.

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Dark Lord 12 years ago
I'm playing on eu servers and let me tell u: Tera rocks !!

rommello 12 years ago
The graphics are awesome, the free aim combat is nice altho ends up with a lot of space spam

everything else is garbage content, most people quit around 40 im told by my guild, i wish i quit before that

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Magicman 12 years ago
Impressive. Is the "half a million new users" a number from Gameforge as well? If so that means these are only EU numbers. Wonder what NA would be then.

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Mgamer 12 years ago
at least Tera did better than other B2P games that switch to F2P...Im proud that Tera did the switch.

RockNRollz 12 years ago
Great game, very fun to play. At first I thought it was like RaiderZ and skipped on playing it. But after trying it, it really got me hooked.

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70calories 12 years ago
An absolutely wonderful game love the combat style

nekodeus 12 years ago
That rise in players is highly noticeable, and it's mostly positive. (:
Does anyone have the US stats? Are they doing as good? I honestly don't know much about the US version.

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Hardmaze 12 years ago
1 combat - 20 minutes and full health both players, missed spells - 2000000000000, free aim in MMORPG IS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

View 6 replies
xzylon 12 years ago
not bad, they deserve it.

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