TERA Will be Free-to-Play in EU and NA
Another one bites the dust! Another one bites the dust! And another one gone, and another one gone! Another one bites the dust!
Every time a free-to-play MMORPG transitions to a F2P model I can't help but picture Freddie Mercury singing that song. Sure it may be a bit cynical but it's also an exciting time as we see more and more high quality AAA MMOs using the F2P model, and luckily it looks like the model TERA will be using for it's F2P transition doesn't suck, unlike another recent MMORPG cough SWTOR cough.
The MMORPG will be available for free starting in February. Those that had previously purchased the game will be upgraded to a "Veteran" account; which grants additional character slots, more bank tabs and additional broker transactions. There currently isn't an option for players to stay subscribed. Those that are will utilize the "TERA Club" membership, which grants them special daily items (boosts and teleports) as well as special consumables and a unique mount. After their subscriptions run out they will be bumped down to Veteran status.
At a glance F2P users seem to be getting quite the deal, with no real meaningful restrictions imposed. One can assume a cash shop is in order, but in terms of actual gameplay F2P users are not getting the short end of the stick so to speak. You can check out the full F2P breakdown chart here and here.
At launch TERA was applauded for its action based combat but criticized for its incessant use of generic kill quests. One could see this transition to free-to-play as TERA's attempt at competing more directly against RaiderZ. Are you excited for TERA F2P? Let us know.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Complete the Peaky Blinders family with the Battle Pass.

You'll have plenty of tools to figure out your next resource spot, though.

Even the mobile version wasn't long for this world having only released last May.

Doing so gives you new abilities...but they do come at a slight cost, including looking like you're falling apart.
Anyone willing to join on the PVP server will need to thread very cautiously.
i bought the mean i will get have more thing right ?
is there a subscriptions ? or its gone !!!!
-,- i hope you guys understand my english :P
But my concern lies in will there be any restrictions?
I just hope its like aion's free to play transition. If its like aion's then screw all the other games i am playing. And Hello TERA.
Not to mention:
Available in 30-day increments for $14.99, elite status grants players extra dungeon rewards, 10 bonus quests per day, a daily delivery of items and boosts, an elite mount, in-game store discounts, waived brokerage registration taxes, and more. Elite players will find that their status pays for itself through free items and discounts, let alone in-game perks.
^ That just makes VIP players borderline overpower (Daily -rare- Items, and -stat- Boosts)
That is right. They are planning to put armor in lock boxes and you will need to SUB monthly in the "club" (Like AION EU) to get the keys for the lock boxes. So... also, The community... Go to forums the current subbers are making petitions and lots of people leaving already. They out right say "Fing F2P trash". They are not wanting noob chat and BR"s all over the place, and they are fighting to not go F2P. Also, they are all gearing up +14 to gank you in important spots to prevent you from advancing. Apparently on a certain bridge in the noob area already used lightly to block noobs by ganking them in open pvp. There is a petition to camp it to prevent F2P to have a good time. This could be protected by the company by changing pvp rules, and we all know, like AION, the the original community usualy leaves for private servers or changes games after greedy F2P ruins the game. Except AION US, that did a good cash shop.
So...I heard US publisher EME, might do better than Gameforge (EU, publisher of fail AION EU), however, as I said above, it is US that is toying already with lock boxes so... we will see in February. Id start sounding off now to try and persuade the developmen on how to manage its shop
Oh and btw.... TERA > RaiderZ hands down
Great execution of combat mechanics, great visuals and cooperative gameplay on BAMs and dungeons. Can't wait to return !!!
Free Founders
Character Slots: 2 per server 8 per server
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It's more a grindfest, but the gameplay is fun.
I can't wait for Blade & Soul i was in Korea and saw some footage , the game is gonna be very nice.
it gonna be B2P, No subscribtion.
got bored of gw2 (too easy to level, many bugs with pretty hefty implications....whoo look at the flying ppl), so been mixing it up with warframe, war thunder and hawken
can't wait to give this a run (EU version (provided it's not like an extended trial / silly restrictions)
Is this a sign of impending doom? Possibly because a good number of games switch to this model because they're not turning a profit from the subscription. If they don't turn a profit from the new payment models, chances are this game won't last long.
I'd make remarks on EA's models with Star Wars, but I'd sound like a parrot to everyone else.
Suck it, SWTOR.
Hey bud dont regret buying guild wars 2 it is most def. a great game. depends on what server your on really some of them are just full of trolls and unhelpful players, or the ones that do not like to chat in a mmo (go figure) right but if you want your more than welcome on devoinas rest server shoot me a friends request ign : S A R C A S M btw i have lots of capped toons and could give ya a little help if you needed it :) BUT back to this topic ^_^ I think this will be a great thing TERA is a great game, just hard to sub to somthing that is boring at later lvl anyway thanks for the news mmobomb would have never known till other players were talking about it
I just hope they don't add an IP block in the NA version