TERA Will be Free-to-Play in EU and NA

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Another one bites the dust! Another one bites the dust! And another one gone, and another one gone! Another one bites the dust!

Every time a free-to-play MMORPG transitions to a F2P model I can't help but picture Freddie Mercury singing that song. Sure it may be a bit cynical but it's also an exciting time as we see more and more high quality AAA MMOs using the F2P model, and luckily it looks like the model TERA will be using for it's F2P transition doesn't suck, unlike another recent MMORPG cough SWTOR cough.

The MMORPG will be available for free starting in February. Those that had previously purchased the game will be upgraded to a "Veteran" account; which grants additional character slots, more bank tabs and additional broker transactions. There currently isn't an option for players to stay subscribed. Those that are will utilize the "TERA Club" membership, which grants them special daily items (boosts and teleports) as well as special consumables and a unique mount. After their subscriptions run out they will be bumped down to Veteran status.

At a glance F2P users seem to be getting quite the deal, with no real meaningful restrictions imposed. One can assume a cash shop is in order, but in terms of actual gameplay F2P users are not getting the short end of the stick so to speak. You can check out the full F2P breakdown chart here and here.

At launch TERA was applauded for its action based combat but criticized for its incessant use of generic kill quests. One could see this transition to free-to-play as TERA's attempt at competing more directly against RaiderZ. Are you excited for TERA F2P? Let us know.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: TERA.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (134)

Spud 12 years ago
Another freemium model for a failed mmo... Hooray... Well at least it doesn't look as bad as swtor's. I find it funny that an incentive to become a member is the ability to do MORE daily quests lmfao. Also, from my own experience and what i've heard lately, the TERA community is one of the worst you can find in an mmo right now. And an asian grindfest mmo + an awful community = nothing worth your time in most cases.

PatriikHD 12 years ago
I can't wait ! :D

Angeleou 12 years ago
not worth it. i am a vet tera player and our community is crumbling. because of the crybabies that are going to make it extremely hard for new players by the constant Harassing they are going to do. it is an embarrassment to us mature players that welcome the F2P idea. but be warned,it wont be easy new players. if you still want to play just be prepared to die. A LOT

XXLOLXx 12 years ago
asia can ply ??

Pkkpk 12 years ago
too bad I cant fken get passed the game launcher. So many problems with their game launcher like "unable to download metafile" " unable to download manifest" and "unable to find reliable source". I spend the whole day trying to figure out how to fix this problem through their website and google but still could not find a fix.

that guy 12 years ago
its going free to play in feb. but if you dont wantto wait and play you can go make a discovery account which lets you play up to lvl 28 and by the time you are at that lvl it will be free to play or just about at that time so really you can start playing it for free now. all your char. info will be transfered over when they make the change.

Toreno 12 years ago
I can now play for free or in a future date ?

GamingMaster 12 years ago
Thanks for the info on EU servers, doesn't seem like I would be playing tera now.. So many limitations :(

parameshvara 12 years ago
Lots of hate from a bunch of self-righteous deuches on their forums, against the soon to come F2p'ers (don't worry, as usual, there are a few sounds of reason lost in between those roarings of rage).

Anyone willing to join on the PVP server will need to thread very cautiously.

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chense 12 years ago
when does i t com f2p

kineno 12 years ago
i bought the mean i will get have more thing right ?
is there a subscriptions ? or its gone !!!!
-,- i hope you guys understand my english :P

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Dizzyjay 12 years ago
But my concern lies in will there be any restrictions?
I just hope its like aion's free to play transition. If its like aion's then screw all the other games i am playing. And Hello TERA.

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Gonzaky 12 years ago
my dream just became true *_* TERA f2p awesome xD!!!!

Arcia 12 years ago
no mmo can overthrone World of Warcraft still raiderz is better than tera

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I-CANT-WAIT 12 years ago
I can't wait!TERA!F2P!!YES!!! :D I can't wait till feb.

Nuill 12 years ago
What about the Australians D:

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soldieranno 12 years ago
i want to know when its gone by f2p

XRei 12 years ago
Interested in this, got bored in Guild Wars 2 after nearly 40 levels of the same crap, go to zone, do quests, do events, do story, rinse - repeat. It wasn't made any better on Dragonbrand with entire guilds across multiple servers, most people weren't helping, didn't run into any RP-ers, it was just flat out boring. I do not play mmorpgs to solo, so why is it as of late (2010 and up) all I see in mmorpgs are these people who are anti-social and say they hate dealing with other people playing SOCIAL type games?

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anip 12 years ago
meh, same thing as AION EU... VIP service, 2 character only.

Not to mention:

Available in 30-day increments for $14.99, elite status grants players extra dungeon rewards, 10 bonus quests per day, a daily delivery of items and boosts, an elite mount, in-game store discounts, waived brokerage registration taxes, and more. Elite players will find that their status pays for itself through free items and discounts, let alone in-game perks.

^ That just makes VIP players borderline overpower (Daily -rare- Items, and -stat- Boosts)

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Pettanko-san 12 years ago
I want my money back D:

chense 12 years ago
i preffer this game more than wow or raiderz its totaly amazing and the animations look good enough

Salahtahri 12 years ago

Eviil 12 years ago
Too many awesome games this Jan-Feb to play! Warframe, DOTA2, Arcblade,Firefall, FFXIV Beta phase's and now This? mustquitmyjobtoplayallthis.

Eviil 12 years ago
Hey! no more subs?!? re-installs. =D

Ph0enixSe7en 12 years ago
So looking forward to this! I enjoyed it for a couple of months as a sub but F2P is really appealing!

ugurano 12 years ago
this game its rl shit grind game

Nerk 12 years ago
I'm in EU, and can somebody please tell me if there's any way i can download the game now, and play in the moment it comes out as F2P, my internet's not so fast and i wanna play it as soon as possible...

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Cacalips 12 years ago
Guys. Do research. They are hidding allot. The US version is super vague on its tiers right now, with possible errors, including Bank slots: 78 for subs and F2P, but 288 for Foundation level. That could be an error but I saw other strange inbalances that cut the subscriber out of good stuff LOL! EU on the other hand has its pay tier system a little hammered out better, BUT does not define what "consummable shop items" are. SO I went back to US, that spells it all out and found this :

That is right. They are planning to put armor in lock boxes and you will need to SUB monthly in the "club" (Like AION EU) to get the keys for the lock boxes. So... also, The community... Go to forums the current subbers are making petitions and lots of people leaving already. They out right say "Fing F2P trash". They are not wanting noob chat and BR"s all over the place, and they are fighting to not go F2P. Also, they are all gearing up +14 to gank you in important spots to prevent you from advancing. Apparently on a certain bridge in the noob area already used lightly to block noobs by ganking them in open pvp. There is a petition to camp it to prevent F2P to have a good time. This could be protected by the company by changing pvp rules, and we all know, like AION, the the original community usualy leaves for private servers or changes games after greedy F2P ruins the game. Except AION US, that did a good cash shop.
So...I heard US publisher EME, might do better than Gameforge (EU, publisher of fail AION EU), however, as I said above, it is US that is toying already with lock boxes so... we will see in February. Id start sounding off now to try and persuade the developmen on how to manage its shop

Angeleou 12 years ago
well...at least i will get more slots. and Vet status..........i knew it would come sooner or later. get ready for the Cash Bots..wooo...=.=

andrei 12 years ago
i like gw2 model..pay a decent 35€...and have no ather problem... ad a 1 caracter to lvl 20 for free and it is perfect... if you play more than lvl20 free you will invest money on an freegame... so if you want to play Tera for 20lvl-s it is k free but if you really want to play you will invest in Tera more than 35€...ex I play cs go 5€ so how much do you have to pay a free Fps to be competitiv?... free games are like having a Hammer and be pore... no money for gas...I like Tera...but games need to be payed... don't go to restaurant with no money...

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sniperman248 12 years ago
Perfect timing for when It will go f2p I should have my new Computer by then :)

Rib 12 years ago
WOOOOOW seriously this game is going to kill Aion and SWTOR for sure.

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Eon 12 years ago
i hope with this f2p launch so successfully will make EA/BW realise how much of an moronic idiot they have been on their 'beloved' space opera mmorpg. All hail 2013 the year of top notch AAA f2p mmorpg: neverwinter,wildstar, blade&soul.... now tera... next up rift....

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WoWkiller 12 years ago
any IP restriction / block??

Jellopy 12 years ago
A solid game, i played it for a couple months at launch but having gw2 already and choosing between the two i am a bit biased toward gw2. If you don't want to pay the box price of gw or want an entirely skill based game(tera does great at not letting armor and stuff make players have any distinct edge in pvp while giving full control with evasive maneuvers and blocking being done manually) and a completely unique environment tera should be worth the massive download.

Zariarn 12 years ago

Oh and btw.... TERA > RaiderZ hands down

Rufinus 12 years ago
yes cant wait

voltageDX 12 years ago
The video sound promising but I hope just they stick to it cause I would love to platy it

jesterhead 12 years ago
lts see how many BS restrictions they put on it............ then we'll decide if its really Free to Play...

mattmanrx99 12 years ago
I like how all the players blame swtor and not Ea. The game is good its just Ea screwed over the F2P players. So remember its not the game its EA

Just wait it out.. 12 years ago
Any company silly enough to release a P2P MMO (yes even Blizzard) will end up swallowing the pill and having to make this statement. With all the happiness that I see here and over other forums it's truth, even if people are interested in your game they only wish failure so that they can play it for free..

Kiana 12 years ago
I knew there was going to be some kind of "Elite Club" hopefully it's not too OP.

Icecoffi 12 years ago
Great news!!! :D

PHAILICIDE 12 years ago
It's most likely part of their plan to go f2p. I bet they've planed this out when the game first launched. Most games these days are like that, subscription at first then f2p, they just try to milk the most out of it before doing so.

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
WOHOO FINALLY YES YES *uninstalls Raiderz*

Cheesefart 12 years ago
pls tell me you just jizzed in ur pants magicman!! :D

Alyx89 12 years ago
well i cant say thats a surprise :) we all have seen it coming it was a matter of time. lets see how they do the model first then we can be all excited :)

manosreg 12 years ago
For me TERA was the second best MMO, following WOW's lead (cough...cough) on a more action oriented approach (but indeed the questing is too generic... great combat though).
Great execution of combat mechanics, great visuals and cooperative gameplay on BAMs and dungeons. Can't wait to return !!!

rockmeo 12 years ago

rockandroll89 12 years ago
Tera going f2p, does sound good, but for me, not so good because I'm not going to be able to play it on my Toshiba laptop. Hopefully there are going to be 2 f2p versions on the game, one for users that have a high end pc or laptop and one for users that don't have high end pc or laptop. I know it's likely that won't happen but you'll never know right. :) Magicman, what's your opinion on his, do you think that game companies should try and make their game for both audiences (that goes for none f2p games also). Also I tired the free trial that Tera has to often so that's how I know it won't work on my laptop and it was laggy as hell and couldn't do anything really. I know I'm a bit late but, Happy New Year MMOBOMB.

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Cisco 12 years ago
They have some stupid restrictions like:

Free Founders
Character Slots: 2 per server 8 per server
Bank Inventory slot: 72 slots 288 slots
Send Gold via Parcel: 10 Gold cap per message Unlimited
Brokerage Postings: 10 30

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Krevra 12 years ago
Love it. Will def be playing some Tera

Gerald 12 years ago
Blade & Souls is gonna be B2P though ..... i'm playing this game already and at lvl 50 it's fucking grinding , grinding , grinding , grinding , it take 70 hours to have one 12+ weapon or slower....

It's more a grindfest, but the gameplay is fun.

I can't wait for Blade & Soul i was in Korea and saw some footage , the game is gonna be very nice.

it gonna be B2P, No subscribtion.

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Xaen 12 years ago
Finally! I'm so excited. This game is so fun PvP and combat wise, except the PvE is a complete bore. This is why I never really stuck to the game for every long. Now that it's going F2P (not worth it's P2P model), I'm definitely going to be playing the game, and take the chance to buy any exp potions they sell, because this is one of those games that exp potions would actually be of some help in the later levels.

DeviLee 12 years ago
well... well...

ThatGuy 12 years ago
Easily the BEST F2P Model I have ever seen. I love the game and now I will get back into it!!

zoren 12 years ago
bout time they gave into us

removalmitt 12 years ago
nice, remember seeing early development vids on the tube....also remember then stating it would be ftp on release......

got bored of gw2 (too easy to level, many bugs with pretty hefty implications....whoo look at the flying ppl), so been mixing it up with warframe, war thunder and hawken

can't wait to give this a run (EU version (provided it's not like an extended trial / silly restrictions)

Kimwer 12 years ago
Looks like that combat system wasn't enough to beat Guild wars 2.

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Reavermyst 12 years ago
It's a good game, I tried it back in Closed Beta and thought it was pretty good. My only beef was that it's just very repetitive and that may have been the reason for this happening. The game felt dull after level 20 and I found it hard to continue playing.

Is this a sign of impending doom? Possibly because a good number of games switch to this model because they're not turning a profit from the subscription. If they don't turn a profit from the new payment models, chances are this game won't last long.

I'd make remarks on EA's models with Star Wars, but I'd sound like a parrot to everyone else.

Kingsan 12 years ago
SWTOR CAN LEARN A THING OR TWO FROM THESE GUYS!! I CANT WAIT FOR F2P! <3 F U swtor. I love how they said no restricted content or NO HOT BARS. Like a MAJOR direct burrrrrn to swtor. lol

maximus 12 years ago
AWESOME !!!!!!

qxGHOSTxp 12 years ago
Seen this coming.

GamingMaster 12 years ago
Now this is a true free to play model and very happy to hear it! For sure i'm going to play Tera.

Pieareround 12 years ago
"Instead of... taking away your hotbars."

Suck it, SWTOR.

DC 12 years ago

Thatsandwich 12 years ago
This is amazing and i totaly didn t expect it comming so soon :D. I really can t wait.

heebeegeebee 12 years ago

Hey bud dont regret buying guild wars 2 it is most def. a great game. depends on what server your on really some of them are just full of trolls and unhelpful players, or the ones that do not like to chat in a mmo (go figure) right but if you want your more than welcome on devoinas rest server shoot me a friends request ign : S A R C A S M btw i have lots of capped toons and could give ya a little help if you needed it :) BUT back to this topic ^_^ I think this will be a great thing TERA is a great game, just hard to sub to somthing that is boring at later lvl anyway thanks for the news mmobomb would have never known till other players were talking about it

mPascoal 12 years ago
Tera F2P will be like Aion F2P in Europe, shitty as hell
I just hope they don't add an IP block in the NA version

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Name (Required) 12 years ago
omg cant wait finaly a first class mmo with no restriction!!

mike 12 years ago
character slots limit is nothing, consumables /boosts/ special mount? u can perfectly live without it. gold limit,bank tabs, broker transactions may be a problem.

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erterte 12 years ago
best news since....they made AION f2p

Addrenaline 12 years ago
in the text thy say if u stay subscriebd u wil get some stuff every day, how to stay subscribed and where? link please.

Cloak 12 years ago
*Facepalm* I should of never bought guild wars 2.

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st7ady 12 years ago
why i feel like there will be crazy restrictions ?

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Takerukun3 12 years ago
i'm gonna go download and work some chars to 20, then on february i will be able to advance!

Gabrien 12 years ago
FINALLY It's about time ! Im realy happy they make it free

Tazumi 12 years ago
RaiderZ is no competition for Tera i've played Tera before and i just can't wait for the f2p option

prorenzo 12 years ago

svajs 12 years ago
Whats difference between f2p launching in February and currently available unlimited free trial? Trial doesn't seem to have more restrictions from what I read on their website.

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lalflucas 12 years ago

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neokiva 12 years ago
yay im gonna be a veteran *dances*

Matter 12 years ago
Sweet :)!

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Rinor 12 years ago

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