Tenno Triumphant! Warframe Slashes Through the Field to Win MMOBomb's Ultimate F2P Showdown
After six hard-fought rounds that pitted its tenacious tenno against menacing mechs, vicious street thugs, dragons (and their dungeons), the gods themselves, and that most dangerous of enemies – cute anime characters – Warframe sits upon the throne as the champion of the inaugural MMOBomb Ultimate F2P Showdown!
Just hours before the final round of voting ended, it looked like Warframe would have to make do with second-place honors, but a legendary effort from the fan base and an 11th-hour promotion from developer Digital Extremes through the official Warframe launcher helped seal the victory. Warframe wrested control of the title from runner-up SMITE, racking up an astonishing 81,225 official votes.
Fueled by a strong tournament-long drive on Reddit and early promotion through the official launcher, SMITE managed 80,071 votes, making the final margin an extremely competitive affair: 50.358% to 49.642%. In all, over half a million votes were counted in the tournament, with roughly half of that number going to the final two games alone throughout their runs in the tournament. Sometime soon, we'll write a post-mortem recapping the showdown and detailing what we've learned from the competition, namely "it ain't over till its over"!
Hail to the victors! And congratulations to all the entrants who called their banners and made this tournament an event to remember. We'll see you next year!
Edit: Official Response from Warframe developer Digital Extremes"
Although we were down initially, you can never count our Tenno out. It was an honorable contest throughout, with formidable contenders and we are impressed with the passion of everyone’s fans. The contest was great fun and the Digital Extremes office was filled with Dev team cheers at the outcome of the closest race. Thank you to the Smite community for making it a real nail-biter till the end!
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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It seems “infinite” means “enough to accommodate all our players”.

You'll have plenty of tools to figure out your next resource spot, though.

Players also now have a way to transfer Pals between worlds.

Invite multiplayer and an optimized progression system also arrive.
Please don't? I mean, I can easily write pages and pages correcting his stupidity but I'm sure you're all well aware of his incorrect statements as they are corrected by others. All I'll say is that... forget all the trash talking and go and try out all the games since they're all unique in their own way... imo there was no need to go beyond the division winners :P Mabinogis the best amongst the games of its kind, Warframes the best amongst the games of their kind and so on so why not try them all out and see what suits you instead of wasting your time reading things posted by people drunk on haterade :O
I still hope for that Mabinogi vs. Vindictus match-up next year. Sucks when that possibility gets crushed in 30 seconds about 3 minutes from the closing of the poll.
Still voted for Smite LOL.
Sorry Warframe, like your game but some people in your community (I know they don't represent you but I see more trolls that other games at once) made me vote for Smite. Plus all this who should of won or WOW WE WON IT WAS OBVIOUS WE WOULD WIN crap is annoying and no one cares at this point. ITS OVER soo.. whatever.
Since MMOBomb is gonna have one of these every year why don't we talk about what they got right and what they got wrong. What kinds of things can be done and what can't.
I'll throw these out there:
- I found it curious how the number votes skyrocketed from RO-v-Mab round 1 and on. MMOBomb has said that from the semi-finals on there was very little cheating (THAT THEY COULD DETECT). Perhaps this is in-fact so, it is by no means certain. I think the polling software for this was quite inadequate and should be upgraded. A few things they could fix are
a) add email verification
b) add CAPTCHA for access and to label the choices as well
c) make the choices variable in order and perhaps location on screen
d) put in a forced time delay between selection and availability of the VOTE button.
This of course makes the voting process longer and more tedious but if we're all honestly voting just once then it isn't so bad and is a small price to pay to mitigate the effects of the more intelligent bots.
- The binary nature of this contest while exciting encourages support voting, spite voting, and strategic voting, which can obscure the meaning of the results. The contest began with 64 games it could have instead say had 8 races of 8 with an 8 game final or even a 4-4-4. Plurality wins. Now you have to choose whether to support your game or support another or vote against another for example.
- And I'll throw this out there for fun: conversely they could've left everything as is and simply said anything goes promotions, all types of voting, multiple voting, bots, the lot. I think it would've been kinda fun if that final voted had totaled to several millions of votes. The advantage of this is at least everyone is on an even playing field and there is no bu11$hit pretense.
lolol jk, I voted for Warframe. Guess that makes me a bot, eh?
I dunno about *your* grapes, but mine are delicious. :D
In comparison with another co-op PvE game, Diablo 3 is doing things correctly, as it buffs crusaders while KEEPING wizards the same. Now it's DE's turn to see if they can step up and become real game developers that make changes in accordance to the people that matter when playing them: the ones that actually challenge themselves. DE can either change their endgame entirely or make those other frames viable, I don't care, but when they do something like that, I'll play Warframe again.
I've never even thought about quitting Smite though.
Deal with it.
1) Neither Warframe or Smite bribed their own players to vote.
2) In the very end of the tournament, however, they had link to the poll on their launchers.
3) Neither of them is pay to win, although Warframe grind can be disheartening in the beginning.
4) Both are awesome games by pretty small companies. Hi-Rez has pretty bad reputation because of Tribes, but with Smite they have been great. No one ever complains about Digital Extremes.
I'm glad these two games were the finalists and that it was such a close call. Personally I play both of them, although I have to admit that I spend far more time on Smite than Warframe.
Prob. that's why we lost.
PS: This post isn't to be taken seriously, I am just proving that anyone could post anything in anon mode incl. "cheating confessions" as provocations
Anyways, congrats to Tenno and Gods alike. And to said Gods, give Warframe a try. Though do be warned; it's not a competitive game at all right now. PvP does exist, but it's not balanced at all. So unless you can get into PvE gameplay, might wanna hold off until PvP is polished up :).
The business model WF uses also isn't bad at all. I would say it's more accurate to say that getting 'traction' is hard at the beginning (due to having to wait for weapons to build over the course of half a day to a full day, and lack of things to sell to players on the market). But once you DO get traction and hold onto your patience, there's nothing you can't get that paying players can.
I have nearly over $10 worth of Platinum (in-game, paid currency) just by selling rare mods I've randomly found along with Prime parts from Void Missions, which are kind of your go-to missions once you've maxed your weaponry and frames. And this isn't over the course of a month- no. I've made this much Platinum in only about THREE days, and it's enough to get a fancy scarf, a new color pallette, or more inventory slots.
In most other MMOs that say you can get stuff from the item mall for free, you typically have to take WEEKS to grind up enough in-game cash to buy that special item.
While I know alot of people can't stand to wait to get goodies, isn't that kind of a universal thing for F2Ps? Pay 2 Not Wait? WF is no different in that regard.
GET REKT SUUUUUUUUN, gg no re, gg feeders
Mabinogi losers, smite losers, path of exiles losers.
Warframe for winning Gold
SMITE for winning Silver
and since Mabinogi got more votes than Path of Exile did I'd say that's the Bronze.
after what Hi-Rez did, it is sad to see how many people supported them
Good, very good and then I wonder why I lose hope in the gaming
it was such an awesome battle, insults were hurled, tears were shed, laughter filled the halls and happiness flew across the land,
the adrenaline to hope our game wins , the sadness our game lost, you all put up a good fight, but the battle is over, but now is the Time to Celebrate!, LETS PARTY!!
Such hype, damn, it was crazy. We have found new friends at this tournament, which is great.
Thank you all!
Also Loki and Nyx are names of gods.
And dun worry, smiters, it's just an internet thing and everyone know, that's totally serial biz !
Just one more thing: You should've set up some moderator bots in the stream... the profanity in the chat was just HORRIBLE... + everybody was spamming all the time. I know that you were probably not ready for 2,5k+ people but seriously, having those mod bots is necessary especially when doing an event like this...
Anyway Well Played to both games! Unfortunately Warframe has bigger playerbase and surprised us with a ninja attack:D