Tekken Revolution Launches Today For PS3

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

In what has to go as one of the quickest announcement-to-launch windows in gaming history, Namco Bandai revealed Tekken Revolution to the world just last Saturday and today the free-to-play fighting game makes its debut on the PlayStation 3.

Eight characters will be available in the game, with players able to compete against AI opponents or going online to take the fight to other humans in Ranked and Player matches.

Here's some more info from Tekken Revolution's official description:

The game also features new bone-crunching Special Arts and Critical Arts moves designed to help newcomers deliver hard-hitting attacks and advanced players to employ new strategies with their favorite fighters. For the first time in TEKKEN history players will be able to level-up their characters, increasing three key attributes; Strength, Endurance and Vigor, to create a combatant tuned to individual play styles. Develop a defensive tank character with high HP to withstand knockout blows while offense focused players can create a damage-inflicting character with low health but high critical hit rates to devastate opponents with a flurry of attacks.

As for why it's on the PS3 and not the Xbox 360? Well, Tekken Game Director Katsuhiro Takada has a painfully blunt answer for that.

Have you given Tekken Revolution a shot yet? How's the cash shop look? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (21)

Aagii 11 years ago
why it doesn't work on windows 8 ???

Akshansh 11 years ago
Problem solved. This time I scrolled down and found the game. Why do we get f2p games on searching but not in the list on the store. I believe this is intentional as dcuo also didnt show up in the list of all ps3 games. very annoying

Akshansh 11 years ago
Where the heaven on psn store is this game available for download . I can't find . Psn store is very annoying sometimes.

infernodemon2005 11 years ago
I think this is an amazing idea. I've even looked at the cash shop options, and right now there are only premium coins wich are 0.99 for one, 2.49 for 5 or 4.99 for 10. not bad since premium coins only extend the amount of matches you can play/ number of times you can play arcade mode. premium tickets are the exact same but you are given them on occasions and can't buy them. I would like to see some sort of way to spend premium tickets and coins to unlock specific characters instead of building gift points and hoping to get the one you want. I know alissa is in the game since I have fought her AI and I want to unlock her.

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gorak 11 years ago
yeah right.. any game f2p for the ps3 takes minus 5h,s of downloading...

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-=WolverinE=- 11 years ago
lol So MicroShaft didn't want F2P games on their shitty console? Windows 8, XB1 and now this... They really want to bury themselves....

Coldshire 11 years ago
For some reason i couldn't find it...

alifax19 11 years ago
haha so funny thoes game developers have no chance aganist b&s developers, will own the online game industry. :)

Technoman 11 years ago
I freaking hate the new store i can't even search for what I want I type three letters and it doesn't let my type the rest.....

Karnaij 11 years ago
its not perfect but man its a good start!

mmobomber 11 years ago
8 characters? means the rest of them are gonnna be 10-15$ a character, p2w has invaded my favorite genre

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PSN- xXMonoxKushXx 11 years ago
Where the hell is it located at in the store

:D 11 years ago
What does it have to do with MMO games? And PC?

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Iphigenie 11 years ago
I can think of one way to make this game P2W

Eddy for 15 dollars

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