Tanks For Nothing!: Free-to-Compete MMO Armored Warfare Revealed

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Armored Warfare, a new tactical military MMO, was revealed by Obsidian Entertainment today in collaboration with My.com, a subsidiary of Russian publisher Mail.Ru.

While Obsidian is better known for their rich fantasy RPG storytelling, the studio is showing its flexible by helping create a game where players control an armored vehicle and not an armored knight. Indeed, Armored Warfare is yet another tank sim, seemingly not unlike World of Tanks or the upcoming Ground Forces expansion for War Thunder. However, Armored Warfare separates itself by completing skipping over early tank history, opting to bring the tank battles entirely into the 21st century.

Richard Taylor, Project Director of Obsidian Entertainment, explains that “Armored Warfare gives players two deep levels of upgrading and progression through a huge array of both military vehicles and their own personal military base, each giving players a diverse and wide-ranging path of strategies".

Similar to how wars are run today, players will begin the game as a "military contractor" tasked with maintaining a wide array of militaristic vehicles including long-range artillery and main battle tanks. As the weeks of war roll on, players can upgrade their tanks and crew using a "robust reputation and experience system".

Dynamic environments, including destructible terrain will help set the mood in Armored Warfare, and players will be able to participate in both PvP and PvE modes. Obsidian says they plan to push out "regular content updates, including new vehicles and game modes, all for the best price possible! 100% free".

The closed beta for Armored Warfare is scheduled to launch sometime in 2014. Players can already signup for the beta on the official Armored Warfare site.

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (19)

ZhaoYun 10 years ago
i dont understand the whole "this wont be better than wot" or "this cant compare to wot" did they even say anything that they will try to compete with WOT?cause if not i dont get why it should be compared to it just cause both games have tanks in them doesnt mean they will compete just like war thunder doesnt compete with world of warplanes.so chill out try wot and try this and THEN compare them when this game cant be even played(yet)i dont think u can compare it to wot

vrl 11 years ago
Well, there's no point in expecting to be not pay2win from a Mail.Ru since Mail.ru = face of pay2win. I will still try out beta and see how it will go, but wont expect anything good at all

FallenAngel 11 years ago
i think this game will be good and who knows maybe better then world of tanks

Furyion 11 years ago
the garbage hosting of wargameings world of tanks farmed to telav... bad scripting and lag is the excuse for failed camo gimmicks.It had been bugged since cbt always has and will be .Untill they fire the telav.net hosting garbage,.which is from scandanavia...that is hosting north America lol.Ping tracer says all.Also Bad management practices of the nrth American branch is a joke..let alone the staunch natzism that is free reigns apon the users for payments back in gold..weekly.

Hacchan 11 years ago
it's me or their captcha isn't even working, typing the correct code and it keep saying error lol

Golgo28 11 years ago
It's not that Obsidian is making a tank combat mmo.It's that with the exception of South Park:The Stick Of Truth,Obsidian has a history of making buggy or incomplete games.Kotor 2 was unfinished and buggy,if it wasn't for a fan made mod that fixed alot of the bugs and restored unfinished content the game would still be a mess.Alpha Protocol was a clusterf*ck of bugs.The only redeeming thing about that studio is they have some fantastic writers.

But that play into this tank mmo.Granted maybe just maybe SP:TSOT wasn't a fluke but a sign of them learning from past mistakes.

Nyte 11 years ago
This cant compete with War Thunder.

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GamingMaster 11 years ago
Ehh, are they idiots or what? do they really think they can compete with Wargaming?!

What a waste... you would be better off doing another MMORPG than make a tank shooter...

I mean good luck competing with world of tanks... -_-"

View 2 replies
ZhaoYun 11 years ago
well i already play world of tanks so why not try this when its out i see no reason as to why plus russians dont do oftently mmos(as far as i am aware)so ye

Merkadis 11 years ago
Nope. -_-

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