SWTOR's Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 13 Launches Today, Comes With Free Trial

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor Posted:

It's a new month, and that means a new chapter in Star Wars: The Old Republic's Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline. Chapter 13: Profit and Plunder goes live today, and if you're looking to see what all the excitement is about, you can also check into the game for free and try the first chapter of the KotFE storyline with a level 60 character.

In Profit and Plunder, the Outcast will seek to rob the Eternal Empire blind -- to give back to the poor, we're sure -- with the help of con artist Gault Rennow and the Twi'lek rogue Vette. The new chapter also adds a gauntlet-style series of battles against fighters of increasing difficulty, the Eternal Championship, along with an Alliance mission where you'll fight alongside the Wookiee Bowdaar to put an end to the brutal gladiatorial games.

If you haven't tried Knights of the Fallen Empire, you can hop in with a free trial until May 30, which grants you a level 60 character and access to the first chapter of the KotFE story, The Hunt. Continuing in the story will, naturally, require a subscription.

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About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (12)

trionishsit 8 years ago
Waste if so much money to mak thsi trash, you hardlu find any allive person ingame, very boring turn based like gameplay, fake free to play also, no one like scammers, locked characters and content, no clue why they wasting money on this trash

voydd 8 years ago
Come on guys, don't be so petite. SWTOR is f2p up to certain point. LotRO also has locked content and no one cries about it, when it's mentioned on mmobomb

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Jafarson 8 years ago
why you guys post about free to try games? let me explain - F2P game is when there is everything non cosmetic FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will you understand???

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annoyed with the quality of current articles 8 years ago
A free trial qualifies for a mmobomb article? how is this free to play?

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