SWTOR Celebrates Its Fourth Anniversary

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:


Star Wars: The Old Republic is turning four and to celebrate they’re having one heck of a sale on Strongholds. For a limited time, players of the free-to-play MMO can get their hands on a Stronghold in either Coruscant or Dromund Kaas at the low, low price of 4 credits. Normally, you’d have to dish out 5,000 credits for one of these, so that’s an insane deal.

Beginning tomorrow -- December 8th -- you can purchase one of these Strongholds by using the “Emergency Fleet Pass” ability to get to your appropriate Fleet and visiting the “Strongholds and Crew Skills Area.” While there, you can also visit the “Anniversary Personnel” vendor and claim some anniversary rewards, including:

  • HK-51 Commemorative Statue
  • Ebon Hawk Starship Wall Mount
  • Ebon Hawk Rest and Recharge animation

The event will end January 3, 2016 at 11:59 a.m. PST. More information can be found on the SWTOR Blog.

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In this article: SWTOR, BioWare.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (2)

Player ! 9 years ago
Stupid degenerates reviving dead game all the time, they live on street because u hardly find any alive person there,scammers u deserve to be down, its a FAKE FREE TO PLAY GAME, locked content and characters and many more, DIE FAKING SCAMMERS!

Za'Muro 9 years ago
swtor overhaul is all im waiting for ... or just new sw mmo with true action combat ^_^

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