SuperData: Chinese Companies Will Acquire "1-2 Western Publishers A Month"

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor Posted:


SuperData's newest games market research brief is out in the wild, and it makes a rather bold claim alongside its usual rundown of the most profitable online games in the world:

Chinese companies will scoop up 1-2 western publishers a month from here on.

March has certainly been eventful on this front, with Jagex and Bigpoint both in the process of being bought out by Chinese companies. I can agree with the notion that this sort of thing might become more common because, as SuperData puts it:

China’s industrial firms are aggressively diversifying as the country’s economic growth slows. Western firms like Jagex allow Chinese companies to expand into new industries and regions.

But I don't think I'm on board with the pace of "1-2 western publishers a month from here on." "Here on," by itself, extends to perpetuity, which means we'd run out of Western publishers around, oh, 2021 or so. It wouldn't shock me to see it happen a few more times this year, but not 10-20 times over 10 months.

As for the rest of the report, the top five free-to-play MMOs (by SuperData's standards) are League of Legends, Crossfire, Dungeon Fighter Online, World of Tanks, and Dota 2, while the top five pay-to-play MMOs are World of Warcraft, Lineage, TERA, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Blade & Soul. The next NCSoft financial report will clue us in on exactly how well Blade & Soul has done with its Western launch, and it'll probably surge to the #2 game in the portfolio for the quarter, between that and Guild Wars 2's likely decline one quarter after Heart of Thorns' launch.

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About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

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Discussion (7)

Koagz 9 years ago
Don't know if I should be worried or happy...

Trump 2016 9 years ago
We're being rapen by the Chinese
I'll make these China dogs my bitc.hes
I'm the filthy richest
We need a hero that'll come help
I'll sell America to myself
I'll build yous highways and some bridges
I'm the filthy richest

anticriminal 9 years ago
GOOD NEWS, maybe they can make something good atleast, i dont like 99,9% asian mmos, because of ugly character looks, baloon like mobs, kid characters with ugly pokemon faces and huge boobs and matrtial arts suck, west dont like all that shit , runes of magic was one of the chinease games without all this poop.

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Xevian 9 years ago
Chinese Invasion muahahaha,Soon there will only be "chinese" western games. :P

China, its time to buy Valve,EA and blizzard and you can put western market on your knees. :D

Alibaba 9 years ago
Bow to your Chinese Overlords!

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