Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Opens Closed Alpha Sign-Ups With A Heavy NDA Attatched
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You can now sign up for your chance to participate in Closed Alpha testing for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League. Those parties selected will be required to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) and are not allowed to share videos or screenshots, nor are they allowed to talk to press or content creators about their experience. That being said, this is the internet, so you can expect leaks almost immediately.
If you recall, Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League has been delayed several times since its lackluster gameplay reveal earlier this year. There's no word on exactly what improvements have been made to the game since then, but according to the email being sent out to players about the Closed Alpha sign-ups, players will only be testing a small portion of the game and will not be experiencing the final game in its entirety. The email does state that this test is geared toward online infrastructure.
If you wish to sign up for the closed alpha test of Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League you can do so on the sign-up site.
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About the Author
Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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