Stop! Hammer Time!: Loadout's New Annihilation Mode
Annihilation mode was unveiled this week for third-person shooter Loadout, just in time for the upcoming final release of the game. It combines all of the familiar tactics and objectives from prior modes while also placing an emphasis on competition.
Teams of up to 8 will bring the hammer down across the battlefield in an effort to lower the enemies defenses, infiltrate their territory, swipe their hammer and bring it on home. Setting itself aside from the more common capture modes, Annihilation destroys the mold by including a final objective of bringing the now charged enemy hammer back to it's original base and bashing it deeply into the enemy power supply, rendering a giant climactic explosion followed with sweet victory.
Although it is inherently a team based mode, it doesn't skip on highlighting the individual. Exceptional performance is awarded in the form of a personal score which functions similar to currency, giving the ability to purchase performance injections. Each injection provides a particular buff, such as increased damage for the slayer, damage absorption for the tanks and even a healer injection for anyone looking to spread the love.
Annihilation as well as all the chaos Loadout promises will be available January 31st, 2014.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Annihilation looks pretty interesting, I wonder what the average time per match is, it kind of seems long, not that's a bad thing,