Still Got Chicken? Blizzard Nerfs Hearthstone's Leeroy And Buzzard
In a move that's likely to be cheered by a lot of fans, Blizzard has announced a couple of changes to two of its most powerful -- and difficult to react to -- cards in Hearthstone.
The changes were announced in a recent blue post from Community Manager Zeriyah and will go into effect on Sept. 22. Leeroy Jenkins will have his cost raised from four to five, while the Starving Buzzard, a staple of hunter Unleash the Hounds decks, will have its cost raised from two to five and its stats raised from 2/1 to 3/2.
As someone who's been beaten down by multiple Leeroys in one turn and agrees that "taking 20+ damage in one turn is not particularly fun or interactive," as Zeriyah puts it, I agree with the change. Increasing the cost by one should be enough to at least keep Leeroy from too easily triggering three-plus times in a turn, thus reducing his burst damage potential to that of, say, a Pyroblast.
And as someone who's played quite a few games with a hunter deck and the Buzzard/Hounds combo, I can see why those changes are being made, too. Unleash the Hounds was already altered to increase its cost by one, but apparently that wasn't enough. Let's just hope that Blizzard is a lot more careful in the future when it comes to making overly powerful, asymmetrical, minions with Charge.
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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Not all the answers are substantive, but there's a few key pieces of info here for players.

The event will last longer than it has in previous iterations.
I know there is already RNG in the card digging order, but hell good topdecks plus good RNG plus bad luck on your side and you are litterally owned by anyone with a common deck. Ripped hairs all around the place.