Steampunk Fantasy MMORPG Black Gold Enters Closed Beta
Another day, another closed beta announcement. Snail Game's upcoming MMORPG Black Gold has wrapped up its Alpha, having yielded useful feedback which they say they've taken into consideration as the game continually progresses and has now begun a limited closed beta test for the Steampunk infused MMORPG.
The beta which is set to end rather abruptly on May 28th will include the following new additions not present in the Alpha:
Large-Scale Battlegrounds - Including over 100 customizable 'Carriers' (large battle mounts) to develop for each faction True Hardcore PvP - Fight against opposing forces (as well as members of the same faction) across a variety of battlegrounds, arenas and hidden 'Chambers of Greed' Energy Well Battles - Join even larger struggles and form armies to fight for control of precious resources in large-scale faction and guild battles Additional Upgrades - Revamped graphics, smoother textures, an updated User Interface and other mechanical changes
Interested players should stay tuned right here on MMOBomb for an upcoming chance at a Black Gold beta key giveaway. You may also enter for a chance at the closed beta by visiting the official site here.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Yeah...I bet there's other reasons, too.

Blacklisted characters names will not show up properly.

The class's kit seems to be well-suited to both PvP and PvE content.

Get your cosmetic collection ready, you only have a few moments to pick your look.
The PvP is pretty cool, it's basically 5 control points and you use "carriers" (basically mounts you can fight on, and each one has slightly different attacks) to fight. 1v1 PvP I'm not sure about, I'm not sure if there's any sort of match making or if it's all just random within a level range. Dungeons are okay.
Controls can be quite clunky, honestly I would recommend trying to switch to crosshair mode in the escape menu under "operations" or whatever. It plays more like TERA and makes it much easier to control imo, and much more enjoyable overall. It's still a bit clunky but much better than the default for me.
The steampunk environment design has to be one of the biggest let downs for me. It's so incredibly bland and boring. I'm hoping there is a huge steampunk city later on where it actually feels like a steampunk city rather than some semi-modern/western type of city with one or two buildings with random gears on the side of them. Honestly, it feels far more like it's just an industrial setting rather than a steampunk setting. I don't think the developers have a clear grasp of what steampunk is because it is severely lacking. The outfits however, are pretty good and nice to look at. Personally I would recommend just starting out with the nature faction since it's MUCH nicer to look at.
It has some good ideas in it like I said, it just needs a lot more work and a lot more polish overall. I don't know if the developers are going to be willing to put in all the work required to make it a success in my opinion.
keep saying how the questing system is bad without naming one mmorpg that isn't a quest grind
archeage comes out and suddenly everyone treats every game like shit because you can plant a tree instead of chop one down from some random area... whoop di doo such an innovative crafting system. go play minecraft.
I also enjoyed the wide range of controls you can do, i personally prefer using the Crosshair mode which basically makes it feel a bit like tera... The graphics in itself is good for steampunk, its not Archeage WOW, but its still pretty decent. Alot of people will nit pick at the game, but it has better steampunk verse fantasy.. I personally enjoy the Battle Carrier system, despite everytime i look at a dominion mech outside the dominion dungeon i want that as my mech XD. i played some blood citadel battleground which was very fun, however i wouldn't recomend trying to do it on foot your die.. but jumping into YOUR or a rented mech is fun.. i really love the flying mechs and the spider tanks. I spent 100 valor which is easily gained thru 1 or 2 blood citadel ques. on getting my first flyer. lv 1 non upgraded guzzles fuel fast, but a tier 1 full upgrade doesnt guzzle as much. still pretty neat to fly around and explore...
As for world pvp. i havent seen much of that, however counting that you can have multiple mechs at your call when you need one u could use a flyer to get to a Sniper spot, then drop your Spider tank, or one of the other heavy arty mechs and perch there blasting shells into an enemy city XD
if people overlook the autopath thats hidden in the questlog, and the Graphics that arent planetside/warframe graphics the game is fairly fun when taking it to crosshair mode, and being a pilot of a big mech. especially how you have to aim, and the range is goood.
im at lv 20 myself and still playing. Secret dungeons are a pain in the butt, you need allies to do them, avoid the Ambi secret dungeon thats located by the dark snipers.. the boss in there AOE lightning stuns.
Also you can use your mechs in the blood citadel without worry of losing it perm. i havent tried the other pvp areas. however if you lose your mech in the world pvp, your have to use alot of rescource to bring it back from the dead, or if you have ALOT of medals from pvp. just craft a new one. this being said for the low tier mechs..
The advance expensive mechs.. keep the securty locks fresh on them... losing your tier 5 mech will make you cry.
That's all I needed to know. Bye.