Steampunk and Fantasy Collide in Snail Game's Upcoming MMO Black Gold
The term "Black Gold" originally referred to the usefulness and value of oil. Now Black Gold refers to an MMO which intricately blends magic with the world of Steampunk technology. The result is a stunningly beautiful MMORPG where players can forge a path through magic -granting themselves access to transformative abilities in combat- or choose the path of technology gaining access to all things steampunk, like a giant steam-powered mechanized battle suit. Yes please.
Black Gold which is being imported from the East by Snail Games, is powered by the Flexi Engine which is the same engine used in Age of Wushu and will include over 3000 dynamic events, PvE, PvP, and even the ability to change the game world itself.
Snail Games plans on unveiling more info about the game at this year's E3 which MMOBomb will be attending, but for now you can watch the announcement trailer above.
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Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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The game combines battle royale and extraction mechanics, but the selling point is obviously big shoot-y robots.

It's now called the Court of Blades, but old school Destiny players know what this references.

Mark your calendars Warzone fans.
Sorry, but this one is a pass, even as a huge steampunk fan, well I should rather say I'm a REAL steampunk fan, not this mishmash of stuff thrown together to make it different.
But turned out to be just another game with a bad interface and crappy controls.
Do you really expect something different?
(chuck a dragon mount into a game that can actually fly and looks amazing and you have me sold!)
But looks interesting only hope that it will also have EU servers.