Star Wars: The Old Republic Soon Gets Something New
As if there wasn't enough debate over the free to play version of Star Wars: The Old Republic. To add fuel to that fire, Bioware made an announcement that had players leaping for joy, and almost a minute later questioning some of Bioware's decision making again. It seems that SW:ToR will be getting a new digital expansion next Spring. Rise of the Hutt Cartel is set to raise the level cap to 55, add one new planet, and throw in (you guessed it) MORE STORY! While this mostly came as good news to players, the next tidbit has some gamers, particularly those that subscribe, scratching their heads.
It seems this digital expansion is now available for pre-order and if you do so before January 7th you'll get 5 days of early access to the expansion. Yes. I meant pre-order. Both free AND sub based players will have to pay for the expansion. Free players get charged $19.99 and subscribed players get the "deal" of a $9.99 price tag.
I have to admit, it doesn't sound like an expansion to me. Maybe I'm wrong but 1 planet and 5 levels sounds more like a content update that should be free, at least to subscribed players if nothing else. While details are scarce right now I really hope they add to this "expansion". What you you think though? Check out the very limited information here and comment below to let us know your thoughts!
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Obviously, there's a few more dungeons to explore.

It's kind of a delay if you look at previous years, but we didn't technically have a release date yet anyway.

You'll also be able to coat your weapons to gain additional effects in patch 1.1.

The interview covers everything from the VFX of the game to the tools he uses to create them.
The problem with most gamers (MMOers for sure) is how spoiled and obnoxious they can be. They all lack a great deal of understanding on how the Video game market/business works. They made a game with some very unique features, made it more accessible (F2P), and now are adding more content in a fairly cheap expansion...stop bitchin' if you don't like the game, don't play.
this game is doomed.
The problem with this game it's kind of cool.!
This does not sound like a REAL expansion. It sounds like extortion. I hope that I'm wrong though. I hope there will be more to this "expansion" than we know. :/ I really do. Otherwise that's just really pathetic and I feel sorry for the addicts who will rush out to buy this only to be ultimately disappointed.
I foresee this being a good debate in a upcomming F2P cast, its too good a rant to pass up ;)
and there will be "private servers " free servers to play this free and that will be pretty mouch better than the orginal server so sad to say it but thats what happens to the pay 2 win good games .
I haven't gone back to it after the f2p conversion because I hate so much restrictions on a game. I'd been much more of a fan of these if they'd done it the way TSW handles it for now which is really making me wonder:
It does worths for Funcom to open up the game without restrictions to players (sure for a onetime boxfee... 30 euro is a good deal on that tho...) but it doesn't for a much bigger publisher and developer pair (as I suspect it wasn't a one-sided choice by BioWare but EA had their voice on the matter as well...)