Star Wars: The Old Republic Expansion 3.0 Being Announced Soon
It's been a long time coming, but the forthcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic 3.0 expansion is expected to be officially announced later this month, with a teaser trailer to hit the internet next week. This is straight from the horse's mouth, from The Old Republic's Senior Producer Bruce Maclean.
The details spilled as Maclean took to the official forums to speak with a fan about potentially spotting new details regarding the expansion as early as next week. Maclean let the cat out of the bag with his own statement:
"We have been holding back 3.0 details because
The first expansion was released earlier this year in the form of Galactic Strongholds, which allowed players access to their own customizable housing, made available to early access players on August 19, with a full release to all players in October. BioWare has continued to support the long-running MMO with additional content and expansions since its release. With the announcement of 3.0, hopefully another new set of content will be on its way in a few months again as well.
About the Author
Brittany Vincent started her games media career in 2007. She's a prolific freelancer, contributing to outlets like G4TV, Joystiq, IGN, GamesRadar, Destructoid, Kotaku and more.
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Yes, early access will likely still have some wipes planned.

Yeah...I bet there's other reasons, too.

Don't forget the "Guest Pass Edition" if you have a friend that bought the game.

The Ubisoft show certainly keeps getting more interesting.
Tera-horrridddd who wants too play a mmo where it takes an hour too kill a mob
Archage-Moronic game P2W all the wayyy
wow-old and boooring
aura kingdom-great for a day its aeria games like they can doo anything good remeber wolf team before they bought it
newerwhinter-whell you tryed too make a new diablo and failed BOOORINNNG
wushu,aion,alods-saw similiar games 10 years ago dont beat the dead horse it wont rise again
this list can go for hours and still this game beats them hands down . PS mmobomb used too be a place where i came too find a good game now its a place where i goo too see wo payed the most for the add