Go Fix The Multiverse You Messed Up In Star Trek Online’s Unraveled Expansion, Now Live On PC
It’s time to figure out how you screwed up the Multiverse.
Star Trek Online players can now hop into the MMORPG’s latest expansion, Unraveled, and begin dealing with the inevitable results of Multiverse-related shenanigans. The update is available for all PC players beginning today and includes the game’s next episode, “Wish Upon a Star”, in which what begins as a scientific humanitarian mission quickly turns into dealing with a group of Tholians focused on a Reality Vortex – that was probably the result of some of the players’ latest activities.
Also included in the update is the new task force operation titled Leviathan. This TFO has players simulating a Trench Run exercise centered around what would happen if the “Terran Gambit” story arc had ended in a different way. Other new content includes two new Patrols – Jupiter Gauntlet and Bringers of War. These are also built around the “Terran Gambit” story arc. Hmm… Maybe the theme here is… quit mucking about with time and alternate dimensions. But… This is Starfleet… so we know that’s not about to happen.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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Following a 75% limited time discount offer, the game is now $11.99 for the foreseeable future.
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