Star Trek Online: Unparalleled, The MMORPG's 32nd Season, Goes Live Today

Players will take on the big bad Borgs.

Matthew D'Onofrio
By Matthew D'Onofrio, News Editor Posted:

Star Trek Online Unparalleled Logo

Star Trek Online: Unparalleled, the 32nd season of the MMORPG, is now live (on PC, with console access coming June 19).

Players will experience a new conflict involving the Iconians and a menacing Borg threat. This expansion delves deeper into the Aetherian and Mirror Borg storyline. They must ally with others to thwart this mysterious Borg incursion, embarking on new missions and facing fresh challenges.

There’s also the introduction of Denise Crosby as Captain Sela from a parallel universe, for fans of the franchise.

Through this season, players go on a mission to modify an Iconian Gateway, only to be drawn into a multiversal conflict as they receive a distress call from a besieged universe. The new episode, "Situation Under Control", is available alongside a brand-new Task Force Operation, "Borg Battle Royale." The seasonal event, "Delete Alt Control," allows players to earn exclusive rewards that include powerful weapons and ship upgrades.

Star Trek Online: Unparalleled introduces new gameplay elements, too. The Infinity Lockbox update featuring the T6 Aetherian Revelation ship and the Captain Alteration Token finally allowing for character customization while retaining progress.

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In this article: Star Trek Online.

About the Author

Matthew D'Onofrio
Matthew D'Onofrio, News Editor

Matthew “dinofries” D'Onofrio is a writer, content creator, podcaster and — most importantly — a gamer. With such a strong passion for video games and a severe case of FOMO, it's no surprise he always has his finger on the pulse of the gaming world. On the rare occasion Matt's away from a screen, you'll find him strumming away on his acoustic guitar or taking care of his cat Totoro.

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Discussion (2)

marcelogodzofwarz 9 months ago
its awesome game i wish they give us the borg cube we been asking for years a two hangerbay with two kinds of pets the borg spheres and the cylinders

marcelogodzofwarz 9 months ago
how come you guys never do giveaways for this game anymore?

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