Star Trek Online Mirror Of Discovery Launches On Consoles March 5, New Task Force Operation Coming To PC
Perfect World has a couple of big announcements for Star Trek Online players today. The first announcement is for console players. On March 5, both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players will get to meet Captain Killy in the Mirror of Discovery update. The update adds new missions and two featured episodes as well as an update to the Task Force Operations system and anniversary challenges. Details on the update are available on the Star Trek Online site.
The other announcement is for PC players. Starting tomorrow (February 21) PC players will be able to participate in a new Featured Task Force Operation titled Pahvo Dissension. In this TFO, five Alliance captains deal with the fallout on Pahvo. They must purify Prime Pahvo, to prevent it from becoming like its Mirror Universe counterpart.
The Pahvo Dissension TFO will last for three weeks. During this time, players who complete it on 14 different days will earn a Crystal Prism Universal Kit Module, in addition to all the other rewards.
Console players can expect the TFO to arrive on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 some time this Spring.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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