Star Trek Online Free-to-Play Launches Today

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios along with CBS Consumer Products, announced the launch and immediate availability of the highly anticipated Star Trek Online Free-to-Play.

With the launch of Star Trek Online free-to-play, anyone can download and play the game for free without a retail copy or subscription. All players may enjoy Star Trek Online's many features for free. Players do, however, have the ability to access additional optional features through a virtual store.

In Star Trek Online, the Star Trek universe truly comes to life on a massive scale. Players captain their own starships as part of the Federation or Klingon Empire in a persistent online universe, journey to strange new worlds and take part in epic ground and space missions.

The Universe is Your Only Limit -- Play as much as you like for as long as you like at no cost. No subscription is required, nor is payment of any kind required.

Episodic Gameplay -- Experience new weekly episodes that feature story-based gameplay and put your captain's ability to command to the ultimate test.

Your Captain, Your Crew, Your Destiny
-- Become a captain, seek out new life and new civilizations and encounter hostile beings as you advance to maximum level for free.

Familiar Places, New Experiences -- Travel to Starfleet Academy, Deep Space Nine, The First City of Qo'noS and many other iconic locations and notable worlds from the beloved Star Trek universe.

The Foundry -- Create and build brand new missions and stories to share with the entire Star Trek Online community. Use the specialized toolset to create missions in space or on the ground. Create custom missions, or design an entire series of episodes from the ground up.

To download and play Star Trek Online, or to join the Star Trek Online community, please visit the official website:

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In this article: Star Trek Online.

Discussion (15)

ShiFT 13 years ago
when i entered this game the graphic is all blury and stuff even if its on high. Anyone knows whats the problem????

XxBLAZExX 13 years ago
I HATE PWE they banned me for reporting a Hacker/scammer and not give me reason all i did was take SS off noob scameing ppl and vid of them hacking they put a IP band on me as well so i went to mates house made new ACC and guess what the hacker/scammer was still up to his Old ways with same char etc PWE is a joke for all MMO companys to laugh at

only 1 good game they had Forsaken world but they RUNIED it with P2W

mstter 13 years ago
Regardless of PWE's rep this game is still worth checking out.

xsodus 13 years ago
well i played BOI and never spent real money on it and i was equal in power vs many CS players PWE always bring u options to get CS items with ingame money so i dont see the problem u may gear up slow comapre to CS users but u can actually get there if u know well the game ...

cacalips 13 years ago
1.) Perfect world, the PWE child is the worst game. Around since almost late 90′s, it was never updated as it spread through Malaysia (I was a shareholder inthe best guild there, only english version at the time). They found some people like government paid farmer Canadians that have spare $5,000 to plug into the game each month to support their habit. That was the only way to sustain top level gear repairs, dominate the economy, and hold all the territory…and run the dungeons to dominate said economy. This NON UPDATED game moved to PWI (international), but was just a movement to get American dollars. As all the servers are in US, and just mildly translated for a FEW languages (hardly international). It received it’s first update and destroyed the game for hardcore Canadian farmers. The update leveld up faster so you have to get into cash shop faster instead of grind your way as F2P (but the grind exists, just less months now). Think about it, several years just for greedy update. That is PWE.

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cacalips 13 years ago
1.) Perfect world, the PWE child is the worst game. Around since almost late 90′s, it was never updated as it spread through Malaysia (I was a shareholder inthe best guild there, only english version at the time). They found some people like government paid farmer Canadians that have spare $5,000 to plug into the game each month to support their habit. That was the only way to sustain top level gear repairs, dominate the economy, and hold all the territory…and run the dungeons to dominate said economy. This NON UPDATED game moved to PWI (international), but was just a movement to get American dollars. As all the servers are in US, and just mildly translated for a FEW languages (hardly international). It received it’s first update and destroyed the game for hardcore Canadian farmers. The update leveld up faster so you have to get into cash shop faster instead of grind your way as F2P (but the grind exists, just less months now). Think about it, several years just for greedy update. That is PWE.
2.) It’s other titles follow the same model. Jade Dynasty one the worst excuses for a game. COPY AND PASTE mobs, that make zero sense. With a useless menu feautre to make you feel usefull. Sorry but extra windows to describe you skills is not a new game, it is just broken material, followed by zero updates and all cash shop – LOSS.
3.) By far the worst title, FORSAKEN WORLD. WOW WOW WOW, the entire game mechanics are designed to hurt the player. First, you are forced to do everything on a schedual. (Unless you pay), you must do dailies or suffer, you get about 10 dailies a day, sometimes they randomly toss in a quest, about 8 quests in to your daily 10, to get an item through the TRADE market… you can’t trade unless you pay (coins in trade are cash in real life). So you are F’d. And have to wait a day to see if that quest wont randomly spawn. To get in game cash they make you join schedualed events… like ut out fires on a boat (all events are gay). The worst is capture the golden fish in the fishing game… once you have it, it boosts your cash coin to like 10, to exploit this, once you catch one… CHANGE SERVER CHANNELS to get another! This exploit turns out to be apart of the game…Soon, the entire game experience is not the LORE, the Gameplay, the dungeons, it is PURELY “How to beat the cashshop”. Kills the fun.

Tour 13 years ago
PWE due love to do some crazy shit cash shop; but sometimes it's not mandatory but optional. Look at Rusty hearts by PWE, most of things they sell in cash shops are cloths and exp buff; but you get exp buff as a reward in-game by story, game even or give away. The game ether saga is the same; they sell cloths, exp and other kind of buffs, potions, and ride; but you can get them by playing the game, participating in an event or give away.

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Laurentiu 13 years ago
Aaaa wtf? Forgot PWE aqquired Cryptic Studios, Star Trek may, sadly, be ruined already...

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