Star Citizen Closes In On Half A Billion Dollars Raised, Despite The Whole Not Having Actually Launched Thing
It's now been bringing in cash for ten years...
Things are still looking pretty good for Roberts Space Industries. Their sci-fi project Star Citizen continues to bring in money long after a successful run on Kickstarter. In fact, ten years later, the game has nearly hit the $500 million mark – or, to make it sound more dramatic half a billion. Keep in mind, that’s without the "full" game having technically been released yet. Although, you can hop in and fly around in a ship and look at the other pretty ships you may have bought for your collection. This total far surpasses any of the game’s stretch goals. There were quite a few, with the last one being $65 million.
The numbers can be found on the Roberts Space Industry site, along with a graph that shows backers spent $144k on the game just yesterday alone. It also tracks how many players there are – currently over 4 million. However, as with all video game-related stats, how many of those people are actually still supporting the project is up for question. What we do know is that if all those people were still there, and spending equally, they would have put a little over $122 each into Star Citizen.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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