Square Enix Reveals New Splatoon-Type Game Foamstars, Only With Bubbles And Suds Instead Of Paint
No Squid Kids either, but it still looks neat.
If competitive games where you make brightly colored messes rather than destroying everything is your jam, you’re probably going to want to take a look at Square Enix’s latest offering, titled Foamstars.
A bit of a Splatoon clone, Foamstars has teams competing with each other using colored suds rather than paint. It’s a 4v4 game that will be available on PlayStations 4 and 5. Looking at the trailer, it appears that there are different kinds of suds to deal with, one character even uses Champaign bottles as part of their weapon/artillery.
Interestingly, the foam doesn’t just come from the weapons. It will actually rise up from the ground and alter the terrain. Players will even be able to use the foam to build their own structures, creating barriers and things to stand on. They’ll also be able to surf on the suds… which sounds pretty fun.
Before you ask, we have no idea when this game will release. Neither the trailer revealed in today's PlayStation Showcase nor the PlayStation blog announcement revealed that tidbit yet. There is a link to the site, but it doesn't contain much as of the time of this writing.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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Yes, you get to build your own walking bases.

It would have been easy to just let this game disappear, but apparently passion is a powerful thing sometimes.

However, the game is Web3-based.

Create a character to lock in a name, then transfer a character later if you don't want to start anew.
Barbie style characters with flat features and no appeal that look like copy pasted from generic mobile phone hero shooter for kids.
Flashing colors and generic pop music. Gameplay that could be reskinned in to splatoon but called slimepaint mode and be no different. If i was 4 years old I would still rather go play fortnite or splatoon, splatoon is actually nice looking game with unique characters that i do not see in every other game. I will end this on positive note, this game looks like it is made by me, i've installed Blender once and my first creations were about this good.
We are told by media that it is good to recycle, but developers switched the channel before moderator said "recycle plastics and other waste" not recycle splatoon and coat it in the ugliest generic coat that you can manage. I would rate it 10/10 bubble stars, too bad that those are gonna pop and leave us with 0/10 after release.