Sony Online launches Bullet Run, a new F2P FPS
Sony Online announced yesterday that Bullet Run has completed open beta testing and is now officially live. For those unfamiliar with the game, it was developed by ACONY Games under the name Hedone before Sony acquired the publishing rights and had the game renamed Bullet Run. In Bullet Run, players fight other players on a reality TV show where performance is everything.
The players or "contestants" as the game calls them must show off their style and skills to the arenas. The better players do the more "fame" the players acquire which gives them the opportunity to unlock new weapons, mods, and cosmetic items. The Game currently features 6 different maps to choose from with promises of regular content updates.
Other interesting features include:
Eight Kill Skills - Unique abilities can be trained and unleashed during combat. Each brings in cutting-edge technology for players to use in their match and are unlocked as contestants earn Heat. These include damage heals, berserker mode, enemy-trapping robots, aerial ammo attacks, and the devastating mini-gun just to name a few.
Active Reload - When you hit 'reload,' a circular interface appears. If you hit it just right, your weapon loads much faster if you don't hit the mark, your gun will jam.
In-depth Weapon Customization - Thousands of potential combinations per weapon from silencers and muzzle brakes to scopes, stocks and more. Additionally, weapons decals and paintjobs will provide that special touch that every killing machine needs.
Check the official Bullet Run site for more information. The game is also available on Steam. With games like Planetside 2 (another Sony game) and Warface on the horizon as well as Blacklight Retribution and Tribes already here, do you think there is a place for Bullet Run in the emerging world of AAA free to play shooters?
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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If you think things have been a little TOO foggy sometimes, the team agrees.
The gameplay is solid, fastpaced, like a shooter should be. Bad ping can make some players very hard to hit :p At least they dont have noobtubes :D The taunting during the killcam is nice tho.
The commentary gets repetitive fast and the sound of every gun is the same.
I would give this game a 6/10 in the first cpl of days you play it, and 2/10 after the first week lol
2) Hedone
3) Bullet Run
.....Why does Acony keep doing this?
this game reminded me about Parabellum (FPS)
First off I'd just like to say, i found it hilarious that in order to cover up the crappy character modeling from hedone, they put metal wristbands on the characters. In hedone the hands were so poorly attached to the bodies you could see the stumps where they connected. You can still see the same problem on the neck that sony tried to cover up by elongating where the chest connects to the head. Character customization is minimal, men are extremely bulky in the weirdest way (wide body skinny head), women are stereo-typically skinny.
On another note, on 1080p the edges of characters are still horribly rough, no AA options.
Pretty much call of duty, get kills to get your special stuff, you won't get much character customization without paying the subscription fees. Pay to Enjoy? There is no quick join by level and higher level characters will dominate lower level characters due to the amount of content they have access to. Almost no weapon balance, anybody with a shotgun can dominate close-medium range fights easily. Skills are equipped as a loadout then your points in match decide what range of them you have access to. After you unlock them they only have cooldowns regardless of what happens to your score, which is cool. I set my mouse sensitivity to 1/100 and still could do a complete 360 by moving my mouse just an inch so it was frustrating for me to play. On some of the battlefields randomly holograms appear and dance on the edges of the field. The cameras that the crowd watch you through are the same drone that you can pilot, gets frustrating.
BAD. Announces sound like they just found someone who worked in their office and could do a deep voice and then just one other random guy. They also only have like 5 different sayings, gets old really quickly. The only positive I found was the sounds of weapons off in the distance were entrancingly ambient.
Finally, there is a plothole and its the fact that in hedone, lazar is the announcer and it's his game, the new sony method completely eliminated that concept and the name lazar is still everywhere, which is imo both lazy and pointless work, considering the fact that that content already existed anyway and they went through the effort to remove it, mostly likely because they didn't want to have to expand on any story.
So uhh... if you like CoD, don't care about graphics or story and don't mind paying for a subscription, i guess this game's for you.
"The Bullet Run Servers are temporarily offline for maintenance. We are working hard to complete this maintenance as quickly as possible, and get you all back into the game!
Thank you for your patience."
to geta mjatch started