SOE to Close Down Bullet Run

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Well, let's just chalk this piece of news up in the "Not Very Surprising" category. Sony Online Entertainment and Acony Games have decided to bring the curtain down on their game show style shooter, Bullet Run. In a press release today SOE stated:

"After much review and consideration, Acony Games and Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) have mutually made the decision to discontinue development on the free-to-play FPS game, Bullet Run. As a result, SOE and Acony will sunset the game and end all game services for Bullet Run on March 8, 2013. We would like to thank the players for their dedication and support of the game.

All membership billing for the game will end on February 1, 2013, and players with platinum memberships will receive prorated refunds for their remaining time. Players with active memberships as of February 1 will be able to continue playing as platinum members until the game is shut down on March 8th."

That means fans of the game have just a little over a month left to get their taunting and killing done. So, fans of Bullet Run, are you surprised by this or did the success of SOE's other shooter Planetside 2 kind of make this decision inevitable? What do YOU think caused the game's ultimate demise?

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Bullet Run.

Discussion (55)

DemonKing 12 years ago
it saddens me to see another game go tho this 1 was p2w ... but whats even sadder is when i read threw the comments on this post and see that alot of mmobombers are plain retarded... i think what happened to bring the communty down is when mmohut basicaly sold itself out that alot of their shit fanebase migrated here with that 1 reviewer... while i like his reviewing the trouble he brought here isnt worth it

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Dreadlox 12 years ago
everyone is crying about its was P2W, i'm didn't use a single penny, to buy something, i got everything freely, and i always nailed the first place,in fact, you're guys are noobs:D

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GamingMaster 12 years ago
Well I knew that game would shutdown .. SOE in my opinion doesn't make good games .

Galil 12 years ago
This game going get closed down just like Bullet Run

Games that indeed crap
Artic Combat
Distract 187

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EventideOne 12 years ago
I saw the news and posted 1812 Overture on my clan's voice server. They banned 3 of our members for allegedly hacking, around the same time reports were coming in of a ton of legit players getting banned. That, and hackers don't progressively start to miss with each drink, which that's basically what two of the three did nearly every time they played unless they had to work in the morning.

Echoman 12 years ago
Ohh snap, maybe its time to check Pirates of the Burning Sea if Soe isn't holding it in its greedy claws anymore.

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Miltakis 12 years ago
Not Only That ... Soe Sold Pirates of the burning sea to a nameless gaming company called portalus games... Soe Is Surely Dying....

dagudman 12 years ago
Wizardry online next... They aimed for lower end PCs... there is a reason why they have bad PC. NO MONEY. THEY WON'T GIVE YOU MONEY IF THEY DON'T HAVE ANY. So yeah wizardry online is going to fail...

ugurano 12 years ago
next game going shutdown. wizardry online

xMaracx 12 years ago
i f** knew it, the game was pretty good as Hedone before Sony got its retarded mitts all over it

removalmitt 12 years ago
I gave this a go when it came out, I'm surprised it has lasted this long. Personally don't think it's decline is hugely due to Planetside because it was just crap and dated.

Wizardry Online is next to die a quick death, not sure why Firms / Studios think releasing games more suited for release 5 years prior will have a good run. Even old machines have a good stab at running modern titles so I'm not sure which market audience they are trying to take, especially when there are other titles with better gameplay / graphics already out there.

Little gimmicks within the game won't make it a success (in this case wasn't it being in a gameshow, but it never felt that way).

Cacalips 12 years ago
This is why I love this: Week 1 I make a small review and comment to SOE what is wrong with this horrible title, and how it could improve. I get nothing but trolled: "Oh you are noob, you just cant play". "Oh your pc sucks that is why" (like my pc has anything to do with piss poor map design)...
And now this! YES! hahahah now all these lost tools who played will transer to OHHHH I dont know...PS2?

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
not suprised at all good game but p2w and i hate p2w games so i cant say i am sad it closes tbh i am glad ti closes i hope all p2w game close(maybe i go too far ik)next in the line is probably wizardy if u ask me but who knows

Florentina 12 years ago
Too many bland First Person Shooters,nowadays. Not only on the MMO market but in general. The fact that gaming companies can produce the same game over and over again, each time with slightly better graphics, and still make loads of money astounds me.I honestly have no idea how people can play full retail price for games like COD. I adore First Person Shoots when done well,but there has to be some thought and innovation or else it just feels stale.Good riddance,I say. Hopefully this trend will end soon.

Razer 12 years ago
Good friggin' riddance.

Rjhanes 12 years ago
Well I think someone may or multiple people try to get a hold of Acony and tell them hey look in all honesty your idea for Hedone and Bullet Run were retarted but Parabellum was a great game and i would play PB any day I absolutely hate Hedone and BulletRun

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Rjhanes 12 years ago
Yea I mean im pretty sure in their eyes the whole idea of a reality show based on the game would be cool but really all it did was make it annoying plus the engine they were using made it look so unreal it looked like a cartoon and plus just the recoil on guns was horrible plus ammo bad game at first..... but before "Hedone" and "Bullet Run" it was called "Parabellum" now they way they had it then was great it wasnt this reality show sht it was a great fps looked better not too cartoony but it was an outstanding game and then they shut that down and then came out with hedone witch started the Reality show sht witch was so retarded..

sethsamson 12 years ago
this game cant caught a turn around. ;p from its beginning as PARABELLUM.....

But i must say i was an participant of early alpha and close beta tests of Parabellum and at that stage, the game was pretty fine ... it had some cool ideas like fast reload chance etc ... but the close beta seems to take so long probably Acony or what they are call coulnd find publisher then they starting to trying to save it for exp ... hadeon tv then SOE and prrr ..

Jokul 12 years ago
What is wrong with acony?? They keep producing the same fps. First it was Parabellum which was actually quite fun, but they scrapped it and later came up with hedone then bullet run. Which are the same as each other. I really wanna play parabellum again... ;(

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ken 12 years ago
Yeah bullet run was one of the worst shit titles of all time it was horid and badly made and it always laged and I have 30mb internet so that game can frak off goodbye soe crap title of the century.

eduardo 12 years ago
i play beta with name hedone tv so amazing after go to sony game so true shit

HelloGuise 12 years ago
In all seriousness I'm glad to see it shut down because it was a failure of a game and not sure why it launched. This was Acony's worst game ever. I remember Parabellum when G1 hosted the game. For one it looked 10x better, played 10x better, infact was 10x better than Bullet Run. If Parabellum came back there would be a lot of fans playing the game. Thats for sure. Good Riddance to Bullet Run. Please NEVER come back!

Ero-Shinigami 12 years ago

Pieareround 12 years ago
And good riddance!

reavermyst 12 years ago
Well that's a big shocker.


This game was just not interesting enough. I loved the premise behind it, but all of the good things about the game were really the novelties like the game show setting and the announcers, who were engaging until they started looping the same dialogue in one battle. And of course, the customization was very lackluster.

Sucks to see it go down, but the game took too many missteps to be redeemable.

solace 12 years ago
I was invited to beta test this one after renewing a DC online subscription last year. Virtually every recommendation made for improvements was ignored, and none of us actually expected it to launch, let alone last the few months it did. Hopefully other developers will take note, and use it as a template on how not to make games.

FPS2RPG 12 years ago
Ain't suprised, sad tough, it was a pretty good game but it got boring fast.

Rufinus 12 years ago
am so happy its shunting down. why? cause its pay to win. good for them i don't feel sorry for the players nor the company.

Crowded market.. No surprise.. 12 years ago
Just too many other options.. Especially in the way of FPS games.. In the FPS market, people don't mind paying to play.. So F2P FPS games have no advantage in that department.. They end up going up against games like Black Ops 2 and Crysis 3.. Even games like Counter Strike, CS:S and CS:GO have pretty deep playerbases (20k+ players at any given time).. Theres just no more room for FPS games, even somewhat well done ones such as this.. It really wasn't that bad of a game..

I think they would have done better if they had done something close to "The Running Man" type of gameshow where players could work together and fight a boss at the end of a series of maps.. Never heard of the Running Man? Then you've probably heard of Smash TV? Same deal basically..

ugurano 12 years ago
arctic combat its call of duty copy.

what your mean going shutdown?

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about time 12 years ago
we slam the FAIL casket on another FAIL game ;)

warriorbat 12 years ago
There's a lesson to learn from this. Don't try to copy Call of Duty! Or should I say, don't bother making FPS game that uses same "mechanics" as Call of Duty.

ugurano 12 years ago
1 more pay to win going shutdown yeah. shitgame

i think next game going shutdown wizardry

Germaximus 12 years ago
sucks to see a game fail like that =p

mikeboy813 12 years ago
while you at it soe shut down wizardly online...

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Tio_Z/frealms 12 years ago
Well, that was fast. Like a lot of titles lately...

Who knows, maybe they'll stop spitting titles like skittles and start to actually put some thought into them before trying to make titles for quick bucks.

lol 12 years ago
The game was crap so I'm not sad

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