SOE Delays Wizardry Online Launch
Fans of Wizardry Online looking forward to tomorrow's launch received some bad news a few hours ago. Via the official Wizardry forums SOE announced that the free to play permadeath title would be delayed two weeks until January 30th.
Initially, reasons for the odd two week delay weren't given but later in the discussion thread Piestro, Community Manager, did offer up the following "items" as potential causes of the delay: "The transition from Beta to Live requires integrating with a good number of other systems. We are also planning to launch on Steam which complicates matters and requires other sorts of implementation work. Specifics aren't necessarily meaningful to those who aren't familiar with our internal systems, or particularly valuable. That being said we aren't wasting this time, and are definitely looking to see what else we can accomplish. More news later this week I'm suspecting."
These items seem surprising to me. SOE has known for a long time that it would go from beta to live and launch on Steam and had the date already released for those targets. What changed at the VERY last minute that made those goals unreachable? I certainly would not be surprised if additional (read: more critical) reasons were alluded to later this week.
Does this change your anticipation for the title? What do you think caused the delay?
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It would have been easy to just let this game disappear, but apparently passion is a powerful thing sometimes.
w/o it game is very average grinder and lots of random.
gameplay mechanics fail, graphics fail, enjoyment factor fail, class balance fail
playing anything other than warrior is well stupid. Only reason to play other classes is to take their skills on class change.
and this is not even wizardry just a fail excuse using the name dont expect anything from it