Dragon's Prophet: New MMORPG From SOE, Ride Dragons!
Sony pulled a one-two punch at this year's SOE-Live with news concerning two new MMO's, one announcement concerning new developments regarding their next Everquest MMO and the other being an MMO focused on Dragons.
Immediately I know what some of you are thinking, "dragons have been the focus of MMOs for years". This is wholeheartedly true, we have seen dragons be vilified, turned into pets, mounts, and more throughout the MMO history timeline but we have yet to see an MMO devote so much focus to a singular fantasy species, that is till now.
Dragon's Prophet isn't aiming to just be an MMORPG where dragons just happen to exist within. These aren't background decorations that spruce up the world with danger and diversity. Dragons make up THE core aspect of the MMO. Dragon's Prophet admittedly oozes a sort of Pokemon world feel to when describing its world as "a world shaped by dragon-kind, more than 300 unique dragons roam the lands. Fight, capture, train and ride them in order to unlock their unique skills and abilities." Sounds like Pokemon right?
Beyond the obvious dragon focus, Sony touts features such as action-based combat which according to the website will use "a revolutionary auto-targeting system that gives players unprecedented control during the battles. The auto-targeting system improves on traditional MMO combat systems and offers players a wide range of tactical options." Sounds alot like Sony taking the Tera/Guild Wars 2 combat system and adding media hype but at least seems it won't be using traditional hotkey combat.
Not much else is known about the MMO right now. The trailer above does little more than provide a glimpse into the ingame art style and second long action sequences. If you're interested in taming your own Dragon Sony has already begun taking beta signups on the website.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Me:God,why did you gave great ideas to SOE?
God:To f* your life... ;)!
Me:FUUUUUUUUUUUU~~~~(Now i Shall Not Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.!)
What the hell happened to the open world MMO's?
Looks impressive at least.
If it's anything like RoM, it'll be entirely pay2win with massive balancing issues.
Impressed? No.
Visited (Dragon's Prophet) website? Yes.
Signing up for beta? No.
Why? Because it's SOE.
My Way.™
and not even well done! ahahaha , i agree with the guys above .
So runewaker created it and SOE will publish it...that means 2 things:
1. It will be bugged as hell, especially the main quest lines
2. It will be pay2win and you will end up spending more money than you spent on RoM in years
i Call this: "Dragons Prophet: Tales of Bugs and Payments"
*See SOE*
But will it be?