So You Want To Work At MMOBomb? Writers and Youtubers!

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Are you an experienced news writer or a video producer (Youtuber) who wants to contribute to MMOBomb? We want to work with you! We are always interested in hearing from talented and experienced people.

We’re looking to beef up our team by finding passionate gamers to contribute to the site. We’re not afraid to give you an opportunity to be epic and broadcast your voice, because MMOBomb is from gamers to gamers!

If you’re over 18 we’re looking for a brief summary of your experience, send everything to and please include some samples in the email.

Off the top of my head, here are some of the benefits of working at MMOBomb: Monetary compensation, early access to games, opportunities to attend press events internationally, opportunities for growth and much more!

Please note that unfortunately we can´t reply to all submissions, but we promise that we will check everything, one by one. If you fit the bill, we’ll be in touch with more details. Thanks!

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

Discussion (38)

To Awsome 10 years ago
Cool! this will be awsome

Bishonen 10 years ago
Ah damn i would love to work with and for MMOBomb, even thought i got Experience in Writing articles and making YouTube Videos including all the editing and cutting work which has to be done. But my Apprenticeship is more important, can't you ask like Next Year around February ? XD

this is the another Polintalu 10 years ago
i wish i was 18 years old because im 12 years old next at the May 28th

Alex15964 10 years ago
I want, but my English isn't very well :(
btw, Chinese is my mother language.

Katukaz 10 years ago
Awesome! Just sent in my application.

TheBitmask 11 years ago
Love what they do on this site!

GamingMaster 11 years ago
Well.. I'm planning to join, because they have a HQ right across my house... if only I could :(

Mewtwo 11 years ago
Aww. I wish I could as well. Well, starting college soon so I suppose I would have a lot of free time, even though it is a public ivy school. Though... I'm just 18, so I'm not sure if I would qualify for this position as I'm not "over 18."

Though I agree, I feel like MMOs sure are plodding. I mean there's still a great quantity of different events to broadcast that may bring other players to join (and not multiple event events or anything like that). Like Mabinogi's balloons or flying events to all players could display the game's wonderful features. Or rather to just show those nice moments on a game to bring back memories. Especially those forgotten MMOs we never see or quite hear nowadays such as Gaia Online, Audition Online, or Rumble Fighter. There could be a lot more game play to be shown off.

Anyway, is there a place where we, or I am able to find more information and details about this job? I'm just curious about its position and such.

Openmindedgaming 11 years ago
Spunkify = Rachmaninoff = HUGE HANDS lol

Runing11 11 years ago
I wish I could, I have some experience as a writer, but I don't know if it is enough. I am 16 years old, and I guess I have to wait 2 more years to employ what I have learned in college. But I will try to improve my skills as a writer and as a Youtuber.

LordofCinder 11 years ago
Well that's cool. Hopefully we can get back on with a steady stream of news/articles(call them what you will). Best of luck to who ever gets selected.

View 1 reply
devilr 11 years ago
i was a youtuber (104 videos ) but i only 17 years old and i'am french so anyway i don't think it will work but good luck for people who try (or maibe i can post in english and french ?! or translate english to french ^^ ) good luck and have fun in game .
Yes,i am french and i look in english site x)

To True 11 years ago
Hmm.. Why do you neglect to say what anyone would get payed ?

Time is money and everyone's time is worth more than just a few "Early accesses " like that sure pay's the bill's.

Even for me to submit anything for a chance at getting a job , I would really like to know the pay structure.

Maybe your just looking for another " Free " Magicman ! Only to be tossed aside when you all hire Jame's Blonde !

View 2 replies
MixoN 11 years ago
So I am 16 :/ Is there any way than?

Demirian 11 years ago
So if i dont know well English i cant work with you guys ? Sad (

Pieareround 11 years ago
I think it would be amazing to be able to contribute to this site, but I don't have any experience writing news articles or producing Youtube videos. I am almost done with a double BA in Psychology and Philosophy, so I have plenty of experience with writing (both critical and research papers), but that's not the type of experience they're looking for. Oh, well. Good luck to all of the people who apply. I look forward to seeing new content on the site.

Josh 11 years ago
Man, I wish I was more experienced at either writing entries or video producing. :( I would so apply but sadly I am not.

Crazyjimmy 11 years ago
first of all Mr. No-name, I wasn't asking you, I was asking the folks at mmobomb. And second, I'm no teenager, I'm 30 years old. And third, try coming here with some measure of respect. There's a nice way to answer a question and a asshole's way of answering a question. Guess what type of answer yours is?

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Name (Required) 11 years ago
guys they ask for some samples (i.e. past work experience) a creative writing class in high school does not qualify. they need people with real experience in the field not teenagers that never done anything career wise in their life.

sadface.jpg 11 years ago
well, crap. only 17. Maybe I could lie? It would be awesome to work for mmobomb

Crazyjimmy 11 years ago
I don't have any experience in writing news articles although I did take creative writing classes in high school. My question is do I qualify? I'd love to apply but I don't know if I qualify

Bloom 11 years ago
Aww, I'm 17 and I think I could become an experienced news writer by next year. I would LOVE to work for the MMOBomb team!

cryptera 11 years ago
lol @ spunkify's facial expression.

Adrian87 11 years ago
More MMOBomb staff = More content for me to read/watch... Yes please!!! Bring it on!

View 1 reply
Federico 11 years ago
Petition sent guys, awesome to have such opportunity, thanks for let it be possible!

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