Smite’s Upcoming Heavenly Light Update Makes Creating Custom Matches Easier
It also adds a new Tier 5 skin with custom emotes for Izanami.
Another update is on the horizon for Titan Forge's MOBA Smite bringing with it improvements to custom match creation, quality of life updates, lots of skins, and more. For those of you out there making custom matches, the process is about to get easier. With the drop of 9.3, players will be able to choose from a set of pre-saved common configuration options including things like Competitive Conquest, Infinite Assault, and Grab Bag, among others. New options have been added to the "Player Pick" setting to ease things along as well. These consist of "All-Pick" which allows players on a team to lock in duplicate gods, and "Enemy Pick" which allows them to choose the team for their opponents. Players will also be able to modify things like mana cost and cooldowns.
The other big addition in 9.3 will be the new tier 5 skin, Queen of Cards Izanami. This skin has four forms based on the suits in a deck of cards. Each of these forms has its own special emote that players will need to unlock. Each has to be unlocked separately via an emote upgrade quest.
Speaking of skins, the upcoming update has several, including chibi bot forms for several of the gods, a classic cartoon version of Samedi, and a Rambo Ullr. There are some more serious skins available as well.
Before 9.3 arrives, however, Titan Forge is dropping a bonus update on March 8 – 9.2. The focus of this update is mostly god balancing, but there are some more skins being added here as well.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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