Smite Mid-Season Update Adds More Incentives for Players to Be Nice
In an effort to encourage players to be nicer, Hi-Rez is making some additions to SMITE in the game's Mid-season update. Most notably, they're adding a commendation system that will allow players to earn points -- and goodies. The system is simple, and something we've seen in other games. Be nice and players might commend you. When you're commended you get points. Use those points to buy things like a skin booster or a chest.
Commendations aren't the only thing they're adding to encourage players to not be jerks. The update will also implement yearly rewards. That's right... If you go unbanned for a whole year, you'll earn bonus rewards when the Season ends. These include a skin, stamp, avatar, emote, and a frame.
Oh... But don't think everything they've added is on the positive reinforcement end. They're also encouraging players to report bad behavior. During all games, players will be tracked by the system. If it's determined they've been behaving negatively, the system will pop up a prompt encouraging other players in the match to report them. And, just to make sure everything goes smoothly, the SMITE support team is preparing to send out punishments "more often on a weekly basis."
So... you know... good times for anyone who misbehaves.
In more fun news, the update will -- of course -- include new skins and two of them are a-dor-a-ble. One you saw above -- Pup Patrol Cerebus and the other is Plushie Ganesha. As always, if you'd like to check out the full patch notes, they are available on the SMITE site.
About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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